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Dusk. The vampire movie that everyone was obsessed with. 

Lily didn't see what the big deal was, to be honest, she thought it was kind of boring. As she yawned through the movie with Jane, Ethan's little sister, who seemed to be enjoying the film, she thought back to why she agreed to watch it with her. Oh, that was it. Ethan and Benny had started geeking out. Although she was a slight (okay massive) geek herself, sometimes the two boys were too much.

She looked up as Benny walked into the room, struggling to carry all the candy he was holding.

"My god, what did you do? Rob an ice cream truck or something?" Lily asked, as she stood from the couch and joined Ethan and Benny in the kitchen.

Benny grinned at her, "Tomorrow, we officially join the high school brotherhood. We are men.. and a woman. We must mark the moment," 

"Let's make it the Sunday to end all Sundays," Ethan said. Lily began to zone out as they argued about how many marshmallows they could fit in their mouths.

She was pulled out of her daydream by Jane, who was attempting to talk to her brother, "Hey Ethan, do you hear that?"

 Lily turned to look at the young girl, listening for any unusual sounds.

"I don't hear anything Jane, I'm sure it was nothing," she told her, as Ethan clearly wasn't listening. Jane rolled her eyes at Ethan, and then walked away, muttering something about stupid teenagers. 

Lily turned to face the boys again and saw their mouths were full of marshmallows. She smiled at how stupid they could be sometimes, she'd never admit it to them, but she had missed their weirdness. When they were kids, she used to join in with their odd competitions, obviously everything was different now. 

Her mind wondered back to the boarding school, she thought about telling them the truth. It's not like she was lying to them, she did go to a boarding school, just not a normal one. The school she went to specialised in magic. It was actually Benny's grandma, Evelyn, that helped her discover her powers. She explained that she needed to learn how to control them, otherwise she could end up hurting people, so Lily decided to follow her advice and she went to the boarding school her mother suggested. She didn't want to end up hurting her friends.

Lily heard the door to Ethan's house open and she turned to see Jane walking outside.

"Ethan, Jane just left, shouldn't we go and see what she's up to?" she asked, but Ethan wasn't listening as he and Benny were trying to talk to each other with marshmallows in their mouths. She sighed and decided to follow Jane outside.

If worse comes to worst I could always use a spell, she thought, although Jane would be a little freaked out.

Jane looked up at the teen as she stepped outside, a horrified expression on her face.

Starting to panic, Lily ran over to the girl.

She barely got any words of comfort out, however, before a shoe fell from the sky, an actual shoe. Jane shrieked and Lily hugged her to try to calm her down, just as Ethan's parents showed up. Samantha, Ethan's mom, looked just as horrified as Jane was a few seconds ago.

"Honey? Honey, what's wrong? Are you hurt? What are you doing outside? Ethan?!" she shouted.

Ethan ran outside, Benny following him, spitting some marshmallows out on the way. The two boys looked anywhere but at Ethan's parents, who were glaring at them. Lily cringed as the situation got very awkward.

"Hey, you're home early," Ethan cleared his throat. Benny slowly waved at his best friend's parents , before he awkwardly rubbed the back of his neck, "how was date night?"

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