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Lily, Ethan, and Benny finished school and walked outside to be approached by Rory, "Guys! Wazzuuup?!" he greeted.

"Rory!" Lily smiled, surprised to see the boy, who she thought had died the night before.

"Rory, we thought you were dead," Ethan said, like he had read Lily's mind.

"All I know is, I woke up the morning after the party feeling awesome. No asthma, I don't need my glasses and I barely have to sleep anymore. The only problem's the sun, kind of annoying," he shrugged.

Lily rolled her eyes, "So you're a fledgling too?" she asked.

"Heck no! I'm rocking the full-on vampire action, the big V, can I get a what-what?" He put up his hand for a high five, but the three left him hanging.

"What? You drank human blood?" Ethan asked, raising his eyebrows at Rory, whilst Lily shuddered at the thought of being bitten.

"He said if I didn't I'd die," Benny leaned his head back and sighed at Rory's stupidity, "all the other kids were doing it!" Rory protested.

"Do you have any idea what you've just done to yourself?" Benny asked, sighing.

"I'm immortal and all-powerful, dude! Ka-chow!" Rory replied, not understanding why they were mad. The three just looked at him, stunned.

Rory turned his head as Jesse's vampire group walked up behind him, some of them glared at Lily, she looked to the floor.

"Sorry, I gotta go to church," said Rory, pointing to the vampires behind him.

Lily chuckled, "Church? Vampires don't do church," she said, Benny and Ethan nodded in agreement.

"Jesse says we have to, he's so bossy he's all, blah-blah the prophecy, blah-blah you must find the Cuban animals,"

"Cuban animals?" Benny, Ethan, and Lily asked at the same time, "What are you talking about?" said Benny afterwards.

"I dunno, that's what it sounded like, anyway we'll hang out later, or fang out!" Rory said as he smiled, showing his fangs.

"Vampire puns will never be funny," Lily muttered as he walked towards the group in front of them.

"C'mon, grab your backpacks, we're going to church," Ethan walked off leaving Benny and Lily confused.



The three hid behind a grave and led on their stomachs as they watched the vampires dig.

"Look at them," Benny scoffed, "Hoodies and sunglasses, nice look if you're a-"

"Hey," Sarah said, joining them behind the gravestone, the three jumped a little.

"Looking good," Benny said, Lily giggled. Sarah sarcastically laughed.

"What're you doing here?" Lily asked.

"Same as you, I'm following them! I just wish I knew what they were up to," she said, seeming frustrated.

"Well, according to Rory, they're after the 'Cuban animals'," Benny laughed and shook his head.

"Cuban animals'? You mean 'cubile animus'?" Sarah sighed, "I've heard Jesse mention it before, I think its Latin or something,"

Lily furrowed her eyebrows, she had learned Latin at the boarding school.

"I think it might translate to 'nest of souls' but I'm not sure," she said.

Benny looked up at her and smiled, "You're right, I just googled it, since when did you speak Latin?"

"I kind of had to learn it, a lot of spells are in Latin," she explained, he nodded.

"219," Ethan muttered, "I think I just saw it," the three looked over to him confused, "This little box with weird carvings on it," Benny raised his eyebrows.

"Box?" Sarah said, "Like that one," she pointed to girl who was passing a little marked box to a vampire near her.

"The 'cubile animus',"

"'Nest of souls'," Lily replied, furrowing her eyebrows in confusion.

"Great, how long till something hatches?" Benny asked, Lily chuckled and shook her head. The three looked up at a vampire holding up the box.

"We have to figure out what that box is and stop them," Lily stated.

"Hah, we got a fresh supply of anti-vampire juice!" replied Benny, trying to act heroic and failing as he spilt some of the holy water on Sarah. She screamed in pain as all the vampires turned around. Luckily, they had escaped just in time.

They ran towards the nearest neighbourhood and then started to walk.

"So," Sarah said, "What's with these visions? You get them often?"

Lily didn't want to tell Ethan what the visions were, she would leave that for Benny's grandma to explain, she would definitely do it better that her.

"No, it started when you showed up," Ethan replied, "It's like a door opens to a whole other dimension or something. I think it happens when we touch, here,"

He tried to grab Sarah's hand but she pulled away, "Nice try, Casanova." she giggled.

"Can't blame a player for trying," Benny said, he glanced at Lily, "But maybe I get visions too..."

He also tried to grab her hand, but she pulled it away and laughed "Cut it out, Benny," she hoped he didn't notice her red cheeks.

Sarah giggled, "And if I see that hand again, I'll consider it a snack,"

"So Jesse never told you what the prophecy is?" Ethan asked.

"Or what the 'cubile animus' does?" Lily added.

"I'm just a fledgling remember? He'd only tell a real vampire," she sighed.

"None of them are dumb enough to just tell us," Benny frowned.

Lily chuckled, "Aside from one,"

He grinned at her, "And I have his number," he smiled as he pressed some buttons on his phone.


Benny had asked to walk Lily home again, to which she agreed as she liked his company.

"Hey, Lil," Benny asked as they started walking, she looked up at him, signalling for him to go on, "You know when we were fighting those vampires after Rory got bit?"

"Yeah," she replied, looking up at Benny, who was quite a bit taller than the teen.

"Well, you said I like any girl, you don't actually think that, do you?" he asked.

"Well, you flirt with a lot of girls, so... kind of?" she said, wondering why Benny cared so much.

It was silent after that, until they reached her doorstep. Benny smirked, "Okay how about this, I won't flirt with anyone for a week,"

"Okay..." Lily said, chuckling at her friend.

"But, if I succeed, you have to kiss me," He said, crossing his arms over his chest, proud of his idea.

Lily's cheeks went red, "F-fine," she stuttered, "It's a deal," she quickly entered her house and shut the door behind her, she leant against it. Why did I agree to that?
Although she hated to admit it, she really wanted to kiss him. She shook her head I don't like Benny. She knew she couldn't ever be his girlfriend anyway, it would be too weird since they were such good friends before, and he probably doesn't even like her in that way. Why does it matter? I don't like him. She sighed, he might fail? That's totally a possibility.

Little did she know that Benny was making it his mission to succeed; he really wanted to kiss her.

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