Chapter 4

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Chapter 4 - Day 1 week 1 - Boy trouble 

I began the school day as usual meeting up with Lilly as we walked over to our lockers little did we know that Jaden and his mates locker's were across from ours , i recognised one of them he had black hair and a tanned skin tone. I swear Ive seen him before as he slowly turned i recognised him it was .....

"OMG Lilly go go go  .. " i tried to push her to walk away , she refused to move 

"NO Why ? " 

" Its Drew ! " 

"Wher- " she got cut off . 

"Alex ? " 

I turned slowly looking into his green grass eyes , i took a gulp "Drew !" 

"yeah i have'nt seen you since the umm ... " 

"break up or shall i say after you cheated on me ? " I didn't realise that Jaden and Jackson was behind him listing into our conversation

"Woah guys calm down , well at least i don't have to introduce you then " Said Jaden trying to break the ice 

"Alex i know i messed up but i really like you , and thats why i came here to apoligize and i guess i secound chance ?" he said with a pleading look on his face

"Haha very funny after what you did ... i wouldnt get your hopes up " i tuted at him " I'm going "  i turned tugging on Lilly's arm to walk with me and dipping my hips so Jaden would look i guess it worked

"Alex wait !" Jaden said jogging over towards me as i turned around with a smirk on my face and also looking over at Drew who was in the same position he was when he was talking to me , i guess just trying to take it in 

"What? " I said trying to hide my smile and turning my head back to him 

" Me and a couple of guys are going bowling would you like to come , you can bring friends ! " I thought for a while and remembered that Emelia told me last night to play hard to get so that's exactly what i did

" Well I'm busy ... " I said twirling my hair seductively

" Please " Pouting his lips and batting his eyelashes

"Okay ill see " i turned back around and saw him do a 'Get in ' Motion with his arms , Me and Lilly laughed and headed towards Math ........................


Thanks Guys i swear Chapter 5 will be uploaded tmoz gotta do hm sorry if it wasnt as intrested tht u would have liked but i swear chapter 5 will be AWESOME ! xxx 

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