Chapter 5

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I walk towards the entrance of the school and I see Aiden with three other boys and a girl just smoking. I turn around and head towards the school to avoid Aiden, but the expected happens

"Aria. What a pleasant surprise."

I turn around seeing Aiden walking towards me.

"What do you want?" I ask

"Oh nothing. You have nothing that I can have." He replies

I see his group walking towards Aiden and I.

"What beauty lies within you, Golden Girl." Said the girl.

"Don't call me that." I said to the girl.

"Feisty. I like it." Said the boy with blond bangs.

"Anyways, what are you doing here?" Asked Aiden.

"I'm walking to the school. What does it look like?" I reply.

"This area is called The Smoking Palace. It's no where for a lady like you."

"Just stop."

I walk off. I can tell without looking that Aiden watched me walk off until he couldn't see me. I tried to walk quickly, but still tried to look casual. I see my friends and I catch up to them.

"What took so long?" Asked Kendall.

"Just got distracted on the way." I said.

"By whom?" Asked Emma.

"Whom?" I asked.

"It was a boy, I can smell him." Said Emma.

"That's weird, but just leave it, please." I said.

"Fine." Said Emma.

We all hear the bell and we walked and talked to class. Like usual. We seat down and start to talk about boyfriends randomly.

"Wish I had a boyfriend." Said Kendall.

"Especially Jonas." Said Emma.

"Gross. We don't need a boy to be happy." Said Maesi.

"I rather die than be lonely for all of my life." Said Emma.

"Do you like anyone?" I asked the girls.

"Well, I like Jonas." Said Emma.

"Yeah, we already know." Said Maesi.

"I like Aiden." Said Kendall.

We all stare at her.

"AIDEN?! But he is the complete opposite of you!" I said.

"I know, but he is cute." Said Kendall.

"Maesi?" I said.

She sighs before answering.

"I like Luke." She says shyly.

"Really?" Said Emma.

"Yeah, He is just perfect. He is everything I want in a boyfriend. It's a shame that he is dating Maddie."

"Ugh, Maddie." Said Emma.

"It's okay guys. I don't have a crush." I said.

"Mmmm hmmmmm." Said Emma looking at me up and down.

I pick her playfully and we all start to laugh.

Class ends and we all get up a go to our next class. As I walk, I see Jonas. He notices me and walks towards me.


"What do you want now?"

"Look, I just wanted to say that I'm sorry for insulting you. It wasn't right or appropriate."

"It's okay, I didn't mean it either."

"I know that you said no, but to make up for my insult. Would you like to the movies or anywhere."

"Are you asking me on a date again?"

"Is that a no?"



"Yeah of course. I guess I can give you a chance."

Jonas smiled and walks off. I wave bye at him and I start to blush after hiding the fact that he asked me in a date. I start to my next class.

At lunch, I saw Luke walks off outside. He looks upset.

"I'm gonna see what's ring with Luke." I say to the girls.

I walk out of the cafeteria and head towards Luke. He went to a place where no one really goes.

"Are you okay?"


"What's wrong?"

He takes a deep breath.

"Maddie and I broke up."

"What why?"

"She cheated on me on a guy name Levi."

"Oh no."

"It's fine. She was rude to everyone anyways. Plus, there are plenty of fish in the sea. The sad thing is that I loved her."

I pat Luke's back.

"It's okay. It happens."

Luke looks at me and smiles.

"Thanks. I feel better now."

We both stand up. I reach my arms out to Luke and he reaches his arms back. We hugged.

"It's okay. You deserve better." I say to Luke.

"Now I know." He says back.

We stopped hugging and Luke smiled at me.

"Now come on."

I we left the strange area and we went back to the cafeteria.

"I'm gonna sit with my friends now."

"Okay, bye Aria. I'll see at practice today."

"You too."

We wave goodbye and then went to out separate tables. My friends kept questioning me about Luke and I just said that he had a problem with his girlfriend. After saying something about his girlfriend, they automatically figured out that they broke up. They were happy because we all hate Maddie. Maddie likes me because of my "popularity". Cheap.

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