Chapter 4

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"Ooo, how about if we came from birds!" Said Emma.

"Oh yeah, we totally did come from birds plus we were rulers of the sky!" Said Maesi rolling her eyes.

"I can see that." Said Emma.

Maesi puts her left hand on her face and shakes her head.

"How about unicorns?" Asked Kendall.

"I'm not even going to debate that answer." Replied Maesi with her hand covering her face.

"Guys, like I said, we came from many mammals. Our DNA shows different connections to various of different mammals." I explained.

"But that more complex." Said Emma.

"That's the point! Our DNA and relations to animals are complex and hard to get the exact answer!" Said Maesi very frustrated.

We continue to eat lunch and debate about evolution.  We threw away our lunches as soon we finished. We went to class and sat at our seats. More and more people came in and all sat at our seats.

"Okay class, we have a new student. Behave and be nice."

A tall, handsome boy comes into the room. I takes his hand and let his fingers go threw his black hair. His green eyes sparkled when the sunlight hit his eyes. No doubt. He was handsome.

"This is Aiden. Okay, now you can sit next to Kaden over there."

Aiden walks between other desks and as he walks to his seat, he winks at me. And no I didn't blush. . . Maybe a little. But no. I turned back to teacher and we start our lesson.

After class, we all head for our next class.


I heard a boy's voice. It was kinda deep. I turned around and saw Aiden.

"Oh hey."

"Hey, I'm Aiden."


"Aria? What a beautiful name."


Aiden pops a cigarette in his mouth and start to light cigarette.

"I don't think that you should-."

He puts his hand up and made me stop talking. He takes out the cigarette and blows smoke out of his mouth.

"I know."

He puts back the cigarette in his mouth.

"Look, I gotta go."

"Well, aren't you a goody-two-shoes."

I begin to get mad.

"I'm NOT a goody-two-shoes."

"And very defensive. Wonder why they thought that you were so perfect."

I form my hands into a fist.

"Are you planning to punch me, Miss Golden Girl."

He notices that I had my hands into fists.

"Your too pretty to start a fight. With that face, you can get away from everything."

"Look, I know that you are new, but I'm not perfect. No one is perfect."

"Well, explain your grades, GPA score, SAT score, activities, sports, and behavior."

I look down.

"Not perfect. Not perfect." He says whole throws his cigarette on the floor.

"You should go to class. The Golden Girl surely can't go to class late."

He walks passed me and doesn't say a word. I start to walk to my next class and couldn't concentrate. I could only think about what Aiden said to me. His voice kept ringing in my mind. Then the teacher called my name.

"Aria, do you know how Hitler was killed?"

I looked at the teacher and answered.

"Yes, Hitler died from suicide."

"That's correct."

Everybody wasn't surprised that I got the question right. Others gave me more dirty looks and as usual. Jonas gives me winky signs.

At the end of the day I sit in my bed thinking a about Aiden. Does everyone think I'm the "Golden Girl"? Do people really think I'm perfect? I don't know. This is one question that I can't answer. I change my clothes and then I get ready for bed. I pull the covers and cuddle with Margo who was I my room when I got home. I drifted off to sleep dreaming about what Aiden said. He words have even haunted my dreams.

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