chapter 15- rAiN

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Keep the ones

that hear you

when you never

said a word.


I tossed and turned in the bed, letting out a deep sigh. I had gotten home from school 8 hours ago and it was 3:54 am. My mind kept on drifting off to Landen when I got home this same morning from school, Landen was gone without a trace.

It had been 3 days since I went to Fred for help but he came empty handed, I, (of course) told him to keep digging. It was like he had disappeared off of the earth. Is he dead? Did he leave me? Is he still mad at me? When will he come back? Will he come back?

All these questions were running through my head, giving me a pounding headache. Quickly shifting to my side, I stared at the blank wall in front of me. Tears started to gather up in my eyes but I forced them down, taking in deep breaths and putting my hand on my chest. 

After a few seconds of trying to calm myself down, I decided it was useless to sleep. Carefully sitting up, I swung the covers off of me and shifted so that my legs were dangling off of the bed. I stood up, my feet instantly getting cold from the ice cold floor.

I looked up and glared at the fan that was spinning with all its might. Dang, why do I always have to put the fan on? Huffing, I let my long legs stride to the bathroom, my ponytail bouncing against my neck.

Ignoring the pounding headache in my head, I reached for the steel doorknob and yanked the light white wooden door. Quitely stepping into the tiled bathroom, I came to a stop in front of the mirror and sighed.

My hair was up in a loose ponytail and my nose was red from the cold and rain. The red eyes and bags under them were evident on my face. My bow lips were formed into a thin line, my hazel eyes staring at me back through the thick glass mirror. I took off my contacts because I was missing my hazel eyes. My cheecks were flushed along with my olive skin.

Giving one last glance at the mirror, I stripped from my clothes and turned on the shower, not caring if it was cold or hot, I opened the glass door and got in. The cold water instantly hit my skin making goosebumps decorate my arms and legs.

After taking my shower, I wrapped myself in a white fluffy towel. Sighing in content, I walked out of the steamy bathroom and into my cold room. Cursing at the ceiling fan one more time, I quickly went to my closet and took out a long-sleeved turtleneck grey shirt with black high waisted jeans and suspenders.

Quickly changing, I walked towards my dresser and once again looked at myself in the mirror. Reaching for my black thick-rimmed glasses, I set them on my face. I looked at myself intently, feeling like I missed something. After a few more seconds, I shrugged and grabbed my phone looking at the time.

My eyes widened at the phone screen as I read the time on the phone. I had been in the bathroom for two hours and a half?! Shaking the feeling of shock, I walked out of my room and into the lonely hallway. I never knew it could be so lonely to be in an empty apartment.

Shaking my head, I continued walking towards the dark hallway. The only thing giving me light was the moon shining in through the window making me able to barely see my hand. I walked into the kitchen, not even bothering to turn the light on and grabbed an apple from the ceramic bowl.

My teeth instantly bit into the green sour apple, making a crunching noise. I once again looked at the clock to see it read 6:46 am. Cursing to myself for letting it get so late, I bolted towards the front door, grabbing my backpack along the way. 

Stepping out onto the filthy streets of New York City, I looked around frantically between streets. My eyes landed on the poorly lit bus stop, the only thing indicating that it was actually that was the large pole and sign. Smiling triumphally, I ran towards the stop, cars honking as I crossed the street along the way.

I gripped to the straps of my backpack, praying to god that I didn't miss the bus. Letting out a sigh of relief as I saw the bus turn around the corner, I stepped forward. The bus came to a halt, making the double doors open. I grabbed the dollar that was in my bag and paid the bus driver. Footsteps were heard as people mounted the bus.

I plopped down on a red and blue chair. Shrugging my backpack off and securely put it in between my legs. The bus moved forward as I put headphones into my ears. I tilted my head against the humid window and watched passing figures. 'Sick Boy' by The Chainsmokers blasted through my headphones making me tap my foot on the ground.

When the melody came on, I closed my eyes and let out a deep sigh. My pounding headache had subsided. I opened my eyes and looked at the early morning. I stared intently at my poor reflection in the mirror. My dyed blonde hair was in a loose ponytail from this morning, my hazel eyes were staring at me intently but I still felt like I forgot to do something this morning.

I was so caught up in my mind that I didn't notice the bus stop. Shaking my head, I grabbed my bag and swung it over my shoulder. Using the railing of the bus, I hopped off of the platform and onto the busy street.

The school was still a few blocks away so I descended down the street, my headphones still in my ears. The street was surprisingly quiet, the only thing audible was my pounding footsteps. The heavy rain was still punding on street signs and people. 

I let out a sigh of disappointment as I saw the large brick building of the school. Students were laughing and gossiping among themselves as they walked into the school building or stayed outside. The nerds were reading under shaded trees or the pavement ground and the geeks were talking about science among themselves.

My eyes narrowed at a certain someone. Logan Night. He was leaning against the brick building, talking amongst his friends. I was so dazed by them that I stopped in the middle of the school patio just to study him. His dark brown hair was tangled and messy upon his head like he just woke up in the middle of a classroom. His chocolate brown eyes were boring into his friends as he spoke with emotionless eyes. His light pink thin lips were caught between a camel cigarette that desperately needed a slight shake from the ash at the tip. As if right on cue, he raised his hand and slightly shook his cigarette.

"Hey!" a chirpy voice exclaimed. I jumped up from the sudden loud noise appointed to me and put my hand on my chest. Daries looked at me with eyes of adrenaline and rush with a wide smile on her face. She was wearing a torques bubble skirt that reached mid-thigh with a with a yellow and white patterned crop top.

Her smile fell and a frown made its way to her plump lips. "Did I scare you?" she asked guilt lacing through her words. I shook my head and stole a quick glance at Logan one more time just to see he was walking into the school. Her frown deepened as she looked closer at my face.

"What happened to your eyes?" she asked.


Hopped you liked the chapter!!!!! Sorry, I left you with a cliffhanger! Listen to the song on top of the chapter!

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