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Jughead's POV:

I wake up to the sound of a car pulling up to the driveway. I fell asleep and Betty laid on top of me. She's my girlfriend. I turn on my phone to see the time. 10:45 pm. I'm surprised that Betty hadn't moved the whole time, it had been 4 hours since we fell asleep. 

"Betts?" I whisper.

No answer.

"Betty? Your parents are home." I whisper again. I smooth over her hair with my hands, hoping for her to wake up.

Her head nuzzles deeper into my chest. "I don't want to wake up." she says.

I lift her head carefully off my chest and her eyes flutter open.

"Where are you going?" she asks.

"Grabbing a snack or something, aren't you hungry?"

"No, my parents fed me a buffet before you came over." 

"Well I'm starving, I'll be right back."

I run down the stairs and grab an apple from the fruit bowl on the counter. Betty says they have no junk food in this house, and I have no idea how they function, but to each their own. I hear yelling from outside the door.

"What is wrong with you! They're kids, Hal." says the voice of Alice Cooper.

"I didn't know it was them." responds Hal blatantly.

"Why were you even there in the first place? Betty said it was Polly and Jason's runaway car. How did you even know about it?"

"Alice. Now is not the tim-" he begins, but is stopped with what sounds like a very painful slap.

"Shut up. You put our daughter's life in danger and you are think I care about timing? Tell me right now or you can find another place to stay tonight."  

"I wanted to remove any evidence that could lead the police to thinking Polly had anything to do with the murder. I went there to destroy the car and I didn't see Betty or Jughead because of my headlights."

"We both know that isn't true, Polly could never."

"Fine. I just don't want any relation between them, anything that will remind Polly of him. She is having babies when she's in high school for gods sake."

"You already sent her away from her whole family, isn't that enough for you? Why can't you just be a good father." I can hear her voice breaking, she was crying.

I realize I shouldn't be eavesdropping, so I head back upstairs. He admitted it.

I go back into Betty's room and take a bite out of my apple.

"What took you so long?" she asks sitting up straight.

"I- Betts, I think I'm gonna head out." I say. I didn't want to upset her right now and tell her that her parents were fighting.

"What?" she says. "Why?"

I walk towards her and she stands up, again keeping her weight on one foot. She rubs her hands on my chest up and down, bringing warmth to my bare body.

"Well, your parents are home now. I'm off duty." I laugh as I hold her waist. I avoid eye contact, I know she will be able to tell something is wrong.

"What's wrong?" she asks.

"How can you tell?"

"You're avoiding looking at me." she says.

I look at her and decide that she deserves to know.

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