In Trouble

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You gazed down to your feet while your arms crossed your chest. While blaming your ultimate rivalry with the green vegetable of your nightmares. You almost got away with it.... but Damn.... Your eyebrows crossed trying to cover the tears.

"_____!" Chi Chi screamed at you. As she slams her fist onto the table. Which made you jump a little. Your eyes made contact with your mothers as you gulped.

"Listen young lady/man! You shouldn't tell a porky pie like that!" she scowled at you.

You turned your head away from her "You know I don't like vegetables!" you replied shaking your head. That was the simplest explanation you can think of to ditch dinner.

"Enough!" Chi Chi interrupted. "For now on, no dessert for you for a week!." Who can blame you?. Even though that was a bit harsh from Chi Chi. That's when Goku entered the scene.

"But Chi Chi don't think that's harsh?" your father questioned innocently. Since he was a softie. And Chi Chi was a nasty piece of knitting (in my opinon). But you kind of dealt with it.

"That's enough Goku!" she answered scritly.

"But mom...." you tried to reply.

"No buts young (boy/girl)!"

 Light tears came out of your eyes as you dash out of the kitchen. "Goku.. don't," Chi Chi commanded him as she kept glaring at you disapointed.

Goku turned to face his wife. "You can't treat _____! our own child!" Goku responded.

"But Goku I.."

Goku sighed. "Not right now..." your father said. As he has no desire of treaing his wife like crap. Or taking actions such as slapping her in face. Goku isn't always the type that cause problems during his marriage with Chi Chi.

He rushed ot of the kitchen as he went into your room. And relised you weren't there. He started scanning the place searching for you, his third (son/daughter). But he hoped you were in a hiding spot. He still kept looking for you. But it was still no use.

He notices the window has been wide open. But he didn't remember the last time it was open. Goku's expression transformed... He was frozen.... "Oh no...." he whispered to himself.

A/N: AND YES!!. This is an update for this DONE!!!!. :) But also since I had this idea of doing another chapter!!! but i'm still not sure though. But this also has to do with changing the stories's apperance a little bit so yeah. Do u want another chapter of this?.

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