Chapter 16

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Harry was sweating. He couldn't believe that he was going to become a parent.

He just had to sign the paper.

"Harry?" Harry started when Ginny mentioned his name.
"Yes love?"
"You've been staring at the paper for 10 minutes. Are you okay?"
"Yeah, I just...we already have Teddy, and...I don't know how we're going to care for 3 kids when we graduate, especially because...if I'm going to school, we need to pay for a wedding and a house, and you'll be at home caring for the kids...what if we can't take care of them?"
"Harry, everything is going to be fine. I grew up in a poor family with seven kids. I know how to save money and I can get a part time job if I need to." She kissed him. "Everything is going to be okay."
Harry smiled at his fiancé, and signed the paper.


"Are we using your name or mine when we get married? Because Ginny mentioned that Harry was adopting their kids to avoid complicated messes after the wedding."
"Can we hyphenate? You and the kids will all be Weasley, and I'll be Granger-Weasley. If we have more kids they'll be Granger-Weasleys."
"Okay." He smiled and kissed her before quickly finishing the paperwork.


Luna hadn't been this scared since the battle of Hogwarts. She didn't understand how Draco could be so calm about this.

"Why aren't you freaking out?"
"Trust me, I am. I've just learned how to be scared on the inside, given my past."
"What's scaring you the most?"
"I just...with my past, what if I'm not a good parent? My dad was abusive, I've never had a role model for how to be a good dad or husband. I was a bully and a Death Eater. What if...what if our kid turns out the same way? And," he said, rushing on, "we're getting married in a few months. I don't want to be a bad husband. My dad has never been a great husband, I don't have a role model for that either, I don't want either of us stuck in an unhappy marriage because of this stupid law. Luna, I don't want you to hate me," tears were rolling down his face by this point and he was terrified. This could end so, so badly for both of them, and their children. They'd have to have more than the one they were going to pick up. If he was anything like his father...

"Draco, listen to me." Luna's voice was shaky, yet clear at the same time. She squeezed Draco's hand, fresh tearstains on her cheeks. "Draco, you are going to be a great father. It will take patience, it will time trial and error. But just the fact that you want to do better, your fear of failure, that already makes you a better dad than your father."

"I'm a Slytherin. I'm not supposed to be afraid."

"Maybe it's time you let yourself."

They were standing facing each other by the entrance of the orphanage. Draco became aware of the people staring at them. He distinctly heard Ron mumble, "Ruddy ferret" as he pulled Hermione around the two of them. He turned away. "Let's go inside, Luna."


A/N: I am sooooooooo sorry for the long wait on updates! I know this isn't super long, but I wanted to get something out there. I promise there will be another chapter by the end of the month.

I do have a week-long summer camp next week and then I'm going on vacation at the end of June so expect the next chapter in between those two dates.

Also, I realized that I was basically writing this without any plotline. I've finally narrowed it down to two (and I didn't want to continue until I reached this point), so I just need to know: would you rather have more action, or more reality TV-show type drama? Comment your choice down below, taking suggestions until Labor Day (which is Monday, September 3rd if you didn't know.)

Comment a sentence using the word "Pineapples" if you actually read that whole thing.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 05, 2018 ⏰

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