Chapter 5

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The week passed uneventfully. Harry held Quidditch tryouts (both Ron and Ginny were on the team again), the new potions master (Molly Weasley) made an effort to treat everyone the same, and the Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher (Arthur Weasley) didn't assign as much homework as Hermione thought there should have been.

However, at the end of the week, it was time to find out who had been paired with whom. All of the seventh and eighth years gathered in the hallway, waiting for their results to owl in. Soon, they heard the familiar whoosh of wings and hoots of recognition. As soon as they had gotten their letters, Mcgonnagol stood up.

"Before you open your letters, I would like to make a few announcements about this project. I want it to be very clear that there are two twin beds in your rooms for a reason." She stopped to glare at the room. "Also, your 10:00-11:00 free time is when your life counseling class starts. After you read the letter and find out who you were paired with, you will stand up here with your partner and find out where your apartment is and what the password for it is. Each apartment has a child's room, a room for the two of you, a living area, a kitchen for cooking practice, and two full bathrooms. On Saturdays there will be mandatory cooking classes from 10:00-11:00. Any Questions?" A few tentative hands went up. "Yes, Mr. Finch-Fletchy?"

"What if we don't like who we're paired with?"

"I am afraid you will have to learn to like them. Yes Ms. Granger?"

"What if we refuse to get married or have an affair with someone else?"

"After you read these results, you will become fully aware of who your partner is and will have your wand snapped and time in Azkaban for openly refusing to follow wizard law. Yes Ms. Lovegood?"

"What if we're paired with someone who is younger than us and who technically under the age for the marriage law?"

"Then you will still be paired with them and they will be sharing a dorm with you. You will be given the oppritunity to wait until your partner is seventeen until the clock starts. However, if you do marry this year, the baby timeline will still apply unless one or both of the parents are incapable of having children, even if it is only a temporary problem. Yes, Mr. Longbottom?"

"What if one or both of the parents are permanently incapable of having children?"

"There are many orphans after the war. You will just have five years after your wedding date to adopt at least two. Yes, Ms. Patil?"

"Do multiples count?" "Yes. Now, if there are no more questions, you may open your letters." Everyone did so immediately.

Hermione's read:
Dear Ms. Hermione Granger,

We are pleased to inform you that your personality test results have allowed us to find your perfect match. Your perfect match is also a Hogwarts student: Ronald Weasley.

Remember that you and your partner must be married by May 8th. You must then have at least one child by the next year. If the child is on its way but has not been born yet, this counts too.

Congratulations on your engagement!


Kingsley Shacklebolt

Minister of Magic

Hermione looked up. From the grin on Ron' face, he was please with who he got too. "I love you," he whispered into her ear. "I love you too," she replied. Harry and Ginny were sandwiched together, large smiles plastered on their faces. Seamus and Lavender were talking, ok with who they got but a little unsure. Padma was talking to Ernie, and Pavarti was flirting with Dean. Luna wandered over.

"Hey, Luna!" Ron called.

"Hello," she replied. "Who did you all get?" After telling her their matches, Luna smiled. "Good," she said. "No Wrackspurts invaded the minds of the people evaluating your results, then."

"Er...yeah," Harry said, unwilling to offend Luna. "So who did you get?"

"Draco Malfoy."

"WHAT!!!????" The boys exploded.

"He's changed, after the war. Besides, I'm pure-blood, so its better for him than ending up with, say, Hermione. No offense, Hermione."

"None taken. So you're willing to give him a chance?"

"Yes. Is there any reason not to?"

"He tortured you, Luna." This had come from Harry. He sounded genuinely concerned for his friend.

"I know, but I could see it in his eyes and feel it in the minor pain he caused me, he didn't want to."

"But...but he's a death eater!" Ron sputtered.

"I know he was, but I could tell he didn't want to. He's nice." Ron obviously wanted to complain more, but Ginny gave him a look.

"I think we should try to make amends with Malfoy. If Luna's willing to give him a chance, the so should we." Harry's comment.

Luna smiled. "Thank you, Harry. I'm afraid it would be terribly awkward to be friends with people who hate my husband." Mcgonnagol stood up just then, ending all conversations.

"I take it you have all met up and found out who your pairs are. It is getting late. Please come up her to find out where your dorms are."

"The Potters are on the third floor, two doors left from the Forbidden Corridor. It is a maple front door. The password is Amor.

"The Weasleys are one door to the right of them, behind the Birch door. Password is Amortis.

"The Malfoys are on the second floor, the Oak door five doors to the right of the Charms classroom. Password is Secundus Modus."

After she finished giving out directions and passwords, Mcgonnagol dismissed everyone and they headed to their dorms.

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