Chapter 1: Back again

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Harry yawned and went to pay the owl for the Daily Prophet. It tapped again, impatiently. That's when he noticed that there were two owls-and one of them looked suspiciously like a Hogwarts owl. He rushed to the window, suddenly wide awake. He dumped the knuts into the Post-owl's pouch and shoved it out the window.  Barely hearing its shreik, he dumped the paper on the desk and, trembling, opened the Hogwarts letter. It read: "You have been accepted at the Hogwarts school for witchcraft and wizardry for your final year at Hogwarts." It then listed all of his supplies-and a badge fell out. He picked it up. It read: Quidditch Captain. "I'm Qudditch Captain!" he exclaimed, forgetting that he was at 12 Grimuald Place and there was no-one around-not even Kreatcher, because he had gone out grocery shopping. He quickly scrawled out a note to Headmistriss McGonnagal and sat down to write Hermione and the Weasleys.

After he had finished and sent out a letter on his new black owl Snuffles, he sat down again to read the paper. What he read, however, made him wish he hadn't sent that letter yet...

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