Chapter 11

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That Friday night, McGonagall shoos anyone not arranged in marriage out of the Great Hall. Then, she stood up and made her announcement. "Tomorrow, you will all be going to a new shop in Hogsmede--it's called "New Chances, Old Toys," and you will be shopping there for toys for your new children. It might be a good idea to make a shopping list of your children's favorite games, favorite colors, etc. You are dismissed."


Back at their apartment, Ginny grabbed a writing pad and said, "Okay--so what is Ryan's favorite game?"

"He likes playing knights."

"Okay, so maybe a knight costume for both of you, so you can play together. And Alyssa likes baby dolls, so you should probably get a few of those, in addition to baby bottles, cribs, baby chairs, and changes of outfits."

"All that?"

"Yeah! She'll love it. We should probably get a kiddie bicycle for Alyssa and a tricycle for Ryan. And bikes for both of us. And board games."

"Yeah! Shoots and Ladders, Candy Land, Blokus..."

"Okay...and a toy broomstick for each of them."


In Hermione and Ron's living room, Hermione sat on the couch with a pad of paper.

"Let's start with the girl, Aibhlinn. What is her favorite game?"

"Shoots and Ladders. And she likes the color green."

"She's 6, right?"

"Yeah, so?"

"So...maybe a doll with toys food and changes of clothes too."

"Okay...then our older son is Aedan Alroy."

"We have a very Irish family."

" anyway, his favorite color is red and he likes Candy Land."

"So does our youngest, right? So we'll get that game, plus maybe some Hotwheels track and cars."

"For both of them?"

"We'll get each of them an identical set of track and identical starter sets for cars, so they can work together to make a big track, or customize two smaller tracks."

"And three toy broomsticks."

"What! Ron, for a four-year-old?"

"He's old enough. Besides, he'd be upset if he didn't have one and his older siblings did. We'll get them each their own brooms before their second year at Hogwarts if they're interested in playing Quidditch."

Hermione was surprised by the thought Ron put into this. Then again, he'd probably been planning on getting brooms for his kids since he was 5. He was Quidditch-crazy.


Draco poured two glasses of Firewhiskey and sat down at the kitchen island next to Luna, who was wearing her Nargle-goggles and had Elizabeth's file and a pad of paper and a quill and ink.

"It says she likes peek-a-boo, but...well...what do you get for a one-year-old?" Draco asked.

"Lots of stuffed animals, I think. And teething toys."

"You make the shopping list--I know absolutely nothing about raising children. I'm an only child."

"I am too. But I did some babysitting for Muggle families during the summers. And it looks like you have some Nargles in your ears. You should drink this repellant," she said, handing him a bottle of...well, he wasn't quite sure.

"Er-Luna, what exactly is in here?"

"Lemonade, limeade, and Orange Crush. Also some grapefruit juice. Nargles don't like citrus."

He drank a glass. It was kind of disgusting, but not as foul as it could have been.

"They're clearing out already. Anyway, I have our shopping list." He grabbed it to take a look.

"We should get her a toy broomstick," he said, looking up. Luna had not heard him as she had just softly shut the door to the hall. He followed her. He knocked on the bedroom door and heard Luna's voice say, "I'm in the bathroom, Draco." He entered the bedroom.

"I think we should get her a toy broomstick," he declared.

She emerged in her pj's, carrying the clothes she had been wearing earlier and her hairbrush.

"No way. She's one."

"But she'll be a total daddy's girl. Which means she needs a broomstick."

"Maybe on her birthday. When she's 2. But she's too young." She put her clothes in the hamper, sat on her bed and began brushing her hair.

Draco stared, mesmerized, for a fraction of a second, before shaking himself out of his trance. Am I really falling for her? He thought. No, I can't be. She's just Loony Lovegood. The school kook. But she's something more too, a snide voice in his head replied.

"I don't see why 1 is too young."

"Goodnight, Draco," Luna retorted, turning off the light, rolling over, and going to bed.

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