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Hello smol star! Unfortunately, the usual update will be delayed by a day due to unforeseen circumstances. Just recently, my grandmother was admitted into the hospital and it's been a little hard to fix my now disorderly schedule, since I took some time off to be with her and weave this little rattan trinket basket to cheer her up. I suppose being confined to a bed isn't something that any of us would look forward to experiencing (which I hope you never will) either way.

Nevertheless! I'm jumping back on schedule the best that I can. I didn't want to make you guys wait for too long, so I'll still be updating very soon (tomorrow!). Meanwhile, to fill your tummies with your weekly birb fill, here's a mini competition in which you stand a chance to decide whose backstory I'll write (Flight School: Lore) next OR which country the Flight Crew will spend Valentine's at (Adventures of Flight Crew #5)! ^0^/

Here's how you can win that very decision:

For every character name I give below, highlight the name and comment one word that best describes that character. Because Cuppie understands that the world is ultimately perceived through colored lenses of differing natures *breathes*, you are free to explain why you chose that certain word to describe that character. After all, this entire series is subject to your own interpretation, independent of my intentions.

There will be about ten to fifteen names down below for you to give it a go and I will look at every comment before assigning points to the users with the best words (meaning you can say the same word as the person above you but have a different explanation) for every character. I will then accumulate the points attained by every user and award the decision to the user with the most points.

I really love the community here in the skies (get that? Stars? Sky? Island in the s—never mind), you guys exchange interpretations and ideas openly while listening to other people who might have a different worldview. Yet, the grief, sorrow, happiness, anger and laughter you share is close to the heart and I daresay the most pristine form of emotions that I've ever seen.

Feel free to interact and read the ideas and comments of your fellow stars! Share ideas, ships or headcanons that you might have because I enjoy reading the shit that you guys stir HAHAHAHAHA I love you all.

Without further ado, let us begin!


1. Luka Sullivan

2. Reux Yvone

3. Evaughn Alekseyev

4. 井 (Jing)

5. Pipa Felice

6. Utako Jiro

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