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Ryan woke up around four in the afternoon and Brendon is still asleep in his arms. He nuzzles himself closer to Brendon and kisses the top of his head.

Brendon lets out a contented sigh and Ryan slowly turns onto his back, keeping his left arm under Brendon, and Brendon's arm is wrapped around Ryan's stomach.

His mind keeps replaying the dream -or whatever it was- and how he needs to change the world -whatever that means- and he's not sure whether the whole thing was real or not, although it felt as real as he feels now. He hasn't told Brendon about it yet.

"What's wrong?" Brendon's voice makes Ryan jump and he looks over, seeing Brendon's slightly opened eyes.

"I'm fine," Ryan forces a smile and turns back on his side to face Brendon.

"You don't look like you're fine." Ryan sighs and turns on his back again. "You know you can talk to me."

"I know," Ryan sighs again. "it's nothing though. I'm alright."

Brendon gets up from the bed and Ryan watches him, confused at the sudden decision to get out of bed, and Brendon starts pulling his clothes on and closing up his bag.

"You're leaving?" Ryan asks, now sitting up and watching Brendon angrily tie up his shoes.

"Yeah." Brendon answers.

"You don't have to -"

"And you don't have to lie to me." Brendon says as he stands up straight. Ryan sees that Brendon looks hurt. "I thought we were better than that, but I guess not."

"Brendon, I told you I'm fine."

Brendon huffs and pulls his bag over his shoulder, making his way to the door.

"When you wanna stop lying to me, give me a call." Brendon opens the door and Ryan jumps out of bed to stop him. He puts his hand on the door and pushes it shut.

"Okay," he says quietly, his head down. Brendon's back is facing him. "I'll tell you. Just don't leave."

Brendon turns around to face Ryan and he lets his bag slip from his shoulder and he drops it on the floor.

"Get dressed." Brendon tells him, and Ryan looks down at his naked body.

He pulls on his clothes, skinny jeans and a Muse t-shirt.

"Are we going somewhere?" He asks Brendon and Brendon only hums. "Any place in particular?"

"Just come on."

Ryan rolls his eyes and puts his socks and shoes on.

He and Brendon head up the stairs and Brendon grabs the car keys from the hook hanging by the door.

"What -"

"Do you want food or not?" Brendon interrupts, and he opens the front door and walks outside. 

Ryan follows and they make their way to the car that's in the driveway; Ryan's moms car.

Brendon tosses the keys to Ryan and they both get in.

"Where to?"

"There's a diner that I like to go to. It's across the street from the place we went to when I got jumped." Brendon says, and Ryan nods, starting the car, and backing out of the driveway.

Neither of them speak during the ride.

They sit in a back corner, in a booth, away from the few people that are there.

The waitress comes and gets their drink orders, and the two of them remain quiet while they look over the menu. When she comes back with their drinks, they order their food and she leaves.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 26, 2018 ⏰

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