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been a while. :l


Brendon's POV

Obviously the only rational thing to do was call an ambulance.

I look like a homeless person, wearing nothing but a pair of basketball shorts. A nurse was kind enough to lend me a hospital gown and a thin blanket. I don't even have any shoes on. My head is in my hands, I'm shaking, rocking back and forth in the ugly green chair in hospital waiting room.

His phone was ringing. I tried to wake him up but he wouldn't. He wasn't breathing and now he's lying in a hospital bed, unconscious, with so many wires connected to him. Keeping him alive.

The paramedics were a bit confused when they arrived, as was my foster mom, because Ryan was in my bed. Naked. My room smelled of sex, which was a bit strange, considering we hadn't gone at it long at all, not even five minutes.

I watched for nearly ten minutes as they preformed CPR on Ryan. I watched in horror. I felt like I was in one of my nightmares. Couldn't move, couldn't speak. Nothing. It was as if my body were a statue.

The paramedics were talking to me, begging me for answers to their questions, but I couldn't do anything.

I watched as they moved Ryan onto the gurney, covering his naked form, putting an oxygen mask on his face, and they kept pumping his chest. It wasn't until they wheeled him out of my room that I kicked into motion and followed them out of the house.

They told me I couldn't ride with him to the hospital because I wasn't family, but their words went through one ear and out the other as I climbed in the back of the ambulance and sat next to Ryan, grabbing one of his hands and squeezing as tight as I possibly could. I begged and begged in my head for him to wake up.

This doesn't make any sense. Why isn't he awake? What happened? Did him having sex with me do this to him? I don't understand. Just wake up. Please, just open your stupid eyes and look at me.

But he didn't. He kept them closed and a paramedic kept pumping his chest.

I don't think his heart was pumping on it's own. 

When we arrived at the hospital, they stopped me from going any further.

After they asked me questions about what happened, what's him name, how old is he, where does he live, do I know how to get a hold of his parents, does he have any medical issues that they should be aware of, -which I don't know because I didn't ask him myself- the nurse gave me the gown and blanket and sent me to the waiting room.

I don't know what they're doing. I don't know if Ryan is okay. I don't know anything.

The palms of my hands are wet. Covered in tears.

It doesn't make any sense to me. 

I feel like I've been here for hours, days even. 

"Excuse me?" I raise my head as fast as I can and I see a man in a white coat standing a few feet in front of me. "Are you here with the young man they just brought in?"

I got to my feet quickly and nodded.

"Yes, is he okay? What's going on? He's not dead is he? Please tell me -"

"He appears to be in a coma." The doctor interrupted. I furrow my eyebrows.

A coma? Fucking how?

"A coma? What. How?"

"That's what we're trying to figure out. We're doing an MRI on his brain. He's getting fluids and the machines are keeping him alive." I feel myself starting to shake, my knees are weak, and my vision is blurred from tears. I could pass out. "I need you to tell me any and everything you know about him. His name, age, how can we notify his parents. Anything. Please. This is very important."

Nightmare | RydonDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora