chapter 7

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"So, is this a bar?" Cherry asked curiously about Grillby's.

"Yup, but it's kid friendly until 10:00 PM." Sans grinned.

Grillby was a tall flame-like monster and he was currently cleaning a glass.

"Oh, boy..." Cherry sighed as she walked in with Frisk after they followed Sans.

Sans grinned and led them right up to the bar. Grillby watched them all silently. Cherry and Frisk followed after since Sans knew his way around here.

"Take a seat." Sans advised, secretly hoping one of them would sit on the stool right next to him.

Cherry unfortunately dashed that as she placed Frisk between her and the skeleton. As Frisk was sat down, a large farting sound ripped through the bar. Sans laughed, that was the only reason he wanted someone to sit next to him, at the moment at least.

"Sans?" Cherry glanced at the joking skeleton as she expected that since their first meeting.

Sans laughed. "Hey, you have to be careful... People love to pull pranks around here." he said with a shrug, as if it wasn't just him.

Frisk responded with an emotionless gaze as usual.

"Guess it's April 1st year round here..." Cherry rolled her eyes with a small chuckle.

Sans smirked. "Maybe... Look, what would you both like to eat?" he asked. Two buttons appeared before them, one said Burger and one said Chips.

"Hmm... What kind of burger?" Cherry asked curiously.

"Just a burger." Sans shrugged.

Grillby got out a notepad to take their order.

"I'll take that then I guess." Cherry said with a small shrug back, if there was anything she didn't like, she could just pick it out like she gave her father pickles.

Frisk pushed the chips button.

Sans nodded and ordered for them all. "Two burgs and one fries." he ordered.

Grillby nodded and went off to get their meals. Frisk nodded in agreement.

"Thanks." Cherry told Grillby.

Sans ruffled Frisk's hair. "Hey... I have something to ask you..." he said, seriously.

Cherry looked over curiously while Frisk also looked up to Sans.

"You haven't heard of any golden or talking flowers, have you?" Sans asked.

Frisk seemed to shift at that.

"Actually, we met Flowey when we first came here." Cherry admitted.

"Flowey?" Sans asked, turning his head sharply to face them. He hadn't expected that, though he was suspecting that.

"That was the flower we saw..." Cherry explained. "He was nice at first until he gave us 'friendliness pellets'."

"And... Did anything else seem... Strange to you... Either of you?" Sans asked.

"Besides everything else here...?" Cherry hid a smirk.

Sans was looking at her seriously, this wasn't actually a joking matter.

"Toriel saved us though." Cherry then said after Flowey had been taken care of the first time around.

Sans nodded, keeping quiet as he listened.

"After we left Toriel, we ended up here." Cherry soon concluded.

"Well... I noticed your friend's soul is different to the others..." Sans said quietly, hoping it was just because she had two dominant traits, he didn't want her to hurt his brother if his bad suspicion was correct.

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