chapter 6

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Cherry and Frisk explored Snowdin until they saw Katie and Papyrus, though the two seemed to being more friendly with each other than enemies right now. Katie noticed them and waved to the two, a smile on her face. Frisk seemed to smile at Katie.

"I see you two are getting along." Cherry noted since Papyrus was holding Katie in a comforting way and not like a hostage situation.

"Well, he's making it up to me for tying me up." Katie smiled cheerily.

"It's the least I can do." Papyrus agreed.

"What exactly do you mean by that?" Cherry asked as her left eye scrunched up slightly in discomfort.

"It's a secret." Katie giggled, with a wink just like Flowey had done. Only by her tone, it obviously wasn't anything naughty.

"Kat...?!" Cherry replied.

"Now, now, I'm sure Sans won't mind your company whilst I take Katie." Papyrus told the perky goth girl with Frisk.

Sans glanced warningly at Katie, but then smiled easily to Frisk and Cherry. "Papyrus, show them your favourite place and then I'll take them to Grillby's." he suggested.

"Right, come along, I will show you my favorite place where I like to spend a lot of time in." Papyrus told Katie.

Katie nodded, and held his hand.

"Grillby's?" Cherry asked. "Oh, we passed that on the way here."

Frisk nodded in agreement.

"You go and see too, but then we'll go to Grillby's" Sans told Frisk and Cherry.

Frisk and Cherry shrugged, but agreed to the invite.'

Papyrus then walked with Katie beside him and the other two following behind as they walked passed the library and then turned right back around in front of a house with two mailboxes. "MY HOUSE!" he then announced to Katie with glee.

"Yay, that's a favorite of mine too!" Katie grinned, though she meant her house.

Sans grinned. "We'll be back later... Enjoy your date." he smirked to Papyrus and Katie, before taking Frisk and Cherry to Grillby's.

"Please do come inside." Papyrus told Katie as he allowed her inside the house.

Frisk and Cherry then followed after Sans to Grillby's while Papyrus and Katie would date.

Sans chuckled as they walked, not minding walking this once. "Let's hope they don't jump each others' BONES, right?" he joked.

"Oh, my God!" Cherry laughed while scoffing and coughing slightly at that very image.

Sans laughed too.

"Please do come inside." Papyrus told Katie as he allowed her inside the house.

Katie followed him in. She smiled as it did seem quite homely... For a 'Bachelor pad'. "It's nice." she smiled.

Papyrus walked inside to show Katie around the house where he lived with Sans. Katie looked around in awe.

"Would you like to have a look around?" Papyrus offered.

Katie smiled. "I'd love to." she told him.

"This is my brother's pet rock," Papyrus showed one spot that showed a rock on a plate covered in sprinkles. "He always forgets to feed it, as usual, I have to take responsibility."

"That's very nice of you." Katie smiled to Papyrus.

"How noble of you to notice." Papyrus smiled back.

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