chapter 2

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Frisk reached out for the red leaves, wanting to play in them like the child they were. As soon as they entered the new room, Toriel called Cherry. Katie had encountered a frog-like monster and her eyes narrowed and turned red as she 'fought' the monster.

Cherry soon stopped and answered the call. "Hello?" she greeted.

"Hello, I was just calling to make sure you haven't left that room... It's dangerous to be alone out of that room." Toriel said.

Katie kept on attacking all the monsters that approached.

"Uh, sure, no problem..." Cherry blinked as she wasn't sure what to make of what was going on as Katie seemed different to her somehow.

"Okay, I just wanted to make sure... Bye-Bye." Toriel said, with an obvious smile to her voice.

Katie's eyes were red and no matter how many monsters came, she attacked them. Cherry had a small smirk and then hung up the phone after Toriel hung up. Frisk stayed close with Cherry and Katie as they explored the sights of this strange place.

Soon, they reached a room where there was a black tree surrounded by the red leaves. Toriel was coming by, scolding herself for taking so long. She called the cell phone though. Katie had dusted off as much dust as she could and her eyes were once again normal with the red bits coming from the pupils. Cherry soon answered the phone again as she decided to keep track of it, though Katie was scaring her a bit.

Toriel heard it ring and hung up before hurrying over. "Oh, my, I'm so sorry... It was irresponsible for me to try and surprise you like this... None of you are hurt, are you?" she asked worriedly. She noticed Cherry and Frisk were fine, but Katie had dust on her. She healed her and brushed off the dust, did humans only get dusty when they were hurt?

Katie blinked as she was healed, but gave a small smile. "Thanks, Mom." she said, though she hadn't called the goat lady mom before.

"It's okay..." Cherry replied softly, she was slowly adapting to their new surroundings.

Frisk looked curious as Katie called Toriel 'Mom', but they seemed to nod in agreement.

Toriel blushed, but smiled as Katie called her 'mom'. "Well, this way... Follow me." she smiled and led them to her home.

Katie followed and held her young cousin's hand gently. Frisk stood close by Katie as they followed with Cherry after Toriel.

"Are you feeling okay?" Cherry asked Katie in a wary tone. "You seem... Different."

"Yes, I'm fine," Katie smiled to her best friend and sister. "I had to protect you guys after all." she said.

'Yes, that's true~' the voice said to Katie, sounding pleased and matter-of-fact about it.

"Anyway, where are we now?" Cherry asked curiously.

"Welcome to my home in the ruins, children." Toriel smiled as they entered her home.

Katie looked around at the decor.

'Oh, this looks the same as my home.' the voice commented.

"Nice house..." Cherry commented as it reminded her a lot of Aunt Dorothy's with the simpleness and coziness of the tiny home.

Frisk sniffed as they could smell a dessert not too far away from here.

"Do you smell that?" Toriel asked and then smiled. "That's one of the surprises for you... I have another one for you all." she then added and walked down the right side hallway.

Frisk wanted to explore as Cherry instinctively followed after Toriel.

"Let's follow Mom." Katie said quietly to Frisk.

Frisk then nodded up to Katie. Katie smiled and picked Frisk up and spun them around and placed a kiss on their cheek with a smile. Frisk smiled up to Katie.

Toriel took them to the end of the hall. "This is your room." She told Cherry with a smile.

"Ah..." Cherry smiled as she stepped inside and explored the room. "It looks so cozy~..."

"Now, I'll show your friends to their room now." Toriel smiled and ruffled Cherry's hair.

Cherry gave a sincere smile back up to Toriel.

Toriel smiled and then went to Frisk and Katie. "This will be your room... I hope you don't mind sharing." she told them and showed them to a room that was obviously for a child, but with a bigger bed.

"Oh, yes, that'll be fine." Katie smiled sweetly.

'This is like my old room too.' the voice commented.

Frisk hopped onto the bed to try it out and looked rather pleased.

Toriel giggled and ruffled Katie's hair too. "I hope you enjoy it, please have a nap if you wish," she smiled. She then sniffed and smelt burning. "Oh, please excuse me!" she gasped and ran off towards her kitchen.

Katie came over to Frisk and tucked them in. Frisk yawned, feeling instantly sleepy.

Katie hummed a song softly as she stroked the kid's hair. "Sleep well, Frisk." she said softly.

Frisk yawned and turned over before falling asleep right away.

Katie smiled and once Frisk was asleep she went to check on Cherry. She caught sight of herself in the mirror though and tilted her head as she noticed the red in her eyes. "What the...?" she muttered.

Cherry was lying down on the bed. She was mostly just settling in and thinking about what just happened to them all today.

Katie shrugged and then knocked on Cherry's door. "Nee-Bear, are you okay?" she asked.

Cherry turned over. "Yeah, this is such a homey place, I guess we should fall off mountains more often."

"Well, technically, we're inside the mountain." Katie smiled.

"Same thing." Cherry shrugged.

Katie giggled. "So, Mom said we should nap, but I'm not tired... If you want to nap though, I'm going to go offer my help." she said.

"Help me nap?" Cherry chuckled. "How so?"

Katie gave a giggle. "No, I meant I'd go help Mom... But I could punch you." she said, the first bit serious but the second bit was a joke.

"Punch me?" Cherry laughed as she knew Katie would never lay a hand on her in such a way.

"Yeah, help you nap." Katie joked.

"Okay, then I'll spike your punch." Cherry snickered like a little smart aleck.

"Go to sleep, you banana." Katie giggled. She then left Cherry to nap, and went to help Toriel.

"Night, broccoli." Cherry snickered before yawning out of total exhaustion like she had bent away from home for so long.

Katie giggled quietly and shook her head. She then went and help Toriel with the pie. Cherry soon buried herself under the covers and bundled down for a nap. Katie looked interested by the knives. Cherry and Frisk fell right asleep as Toriel and Katie catered to the surprise dessert. A little while later, Toriel was sitting in her chair by the fire, a paw on Katie's hair. Katie was staring into the fire, her head resting on Toriel's knees.

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