chapter 4

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Katie hummed a song as she watched. Papyrus smirked as he was sure this was going to be fool proof. Katie smiled and then, just to see what he'd do, took a few steps away from him. Papyrus nodded firmly to Katie as he thought these puzzles would be difficult for a small human like Frisk. Katie took a step more away from him, doing it once more just to test. Sans watched her and smirked, that was amusing but a needed test for his brother. Frisk and Cherry grew worried as they faced certain creatures on their own, but luckily, they were able to spare them like pacifists and not kill like bloodthirsty murderers. Katie got a few more steps.

'Wow the tall one is a bit oblivious...' the voice told Katie.

Sans got ready to stop Katie if she got too far away though. Frisk and Cherry soon came to see Katie and the skeleton brothers.

"So, as I was saying about Undyne--" Papyrus then started a new subject to take a break from the puzzles.

Katie looked at her short distance away and gave a tiny wave. "Just a test, sir." she said quietly.

Sans stood by and moved Katie closer to Papyrus, using his magic. He smiled to Cherry and Frisk.

Papyrus soon noticed Frisk and Cherry and did double takes to both Sans and Katie. "Oh, my God!!" He did a freaky flip out once he noticed the other humans. "Those other humans..."

Cherry and Frisk gave small waves back to Katie. Katie smiled.

'He really is dumb...' the voice told Katie.

"Well, they can do your puzzle, bro." Sans told him.

"Ahem!" Papyrus cleared his throat once he sorted himself out. "Humans, you shall not pass this area! I, The Great Papyrus, will stop you! I will then capture you like Katie! You'll both be delivered to the capital! Then... Then!"

"You'll stop talking?" Cherry joked.

Sans understood it was a joke so it didn't annoy him.

Katie giggled quietly, but also gave a warning back, though only with a light tone so obviously to the other humans she wasn't really telling them off. "Don't disrespect the Great Papyrus!" she warned, lightly.

"At least not all humans are fools," Papyrus commented about Cherry's deadpan snarkiness. "None the less! Continue if you both dare." he then slid away with a cackle with Katie.

Cherry rolled her eyes at that. Katie blinked as she was pulled along. Wow, he might not have had any muscle, but he was strong. Sans kept an eye on Cherry and Frisk.

"Your brother's interesting..." Cherry commented to Sans.

"Yes, he's great... He might not be the sharpest tool in the shed, but he tries," Sans smiled. "I think he's taken shine to your friend though... Heh, he even learned her name." he said.

"Well, that's better than dainty human." Cherry commented.

Frisk nodded in agreement.

Sans chuckled. "Go on, ahead... I got a shortcut." he said.

Cherry and Frisk shrugged and they walked forward. Cherry walked until she stopped and the phone appeared to be ringing, so she answered it and someone was ordering a pizza.

Katie looked up at Papyrus and couldn't resist but to give a wink.

"I hope your friends find this puzzle to be rather... Shocking..." Papyrus smirked to Katie.

Katie giggled at that. "That was very good." she told him.

Sans was by Papyrus suddenly.

"Oh-ho, you have a wonderful sense of humor." Papyrus smirked smugly.

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