Chapter 145 Preparing for a New Dungeon

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Ye Ci was too embarrassed to even ask Fluttering Red Feather about the final outcome of the First Blood for Blitz Cavern.

In her battle against Fleeting Time the other day, he had disconnected at the last second while still holding the flag. The system declared the battle as a draw.

For a dungeon like Blitz Cavern, there could only be 2 outcomes for the players. They would either need to fight against each other once again, or if either side chose to give up, both parties would be teleported out of the dungeon and had to settle the score on another day.

The battle had taken a huge toll on both Black Plum Guild and Awing the Heavens, forcing both of them to give up on the fight.

They would face off against each other another day.

Ye Ci had wanted to join Black Plum Guild for a second time in Blitz Cavern to have a rematch against Fleeting Time. Fluttering Red Feather, however, tactfully declined her offer. He had received news from Awing the Heavens that they would never hire Fleeting Time to fight for them again as their gains by doing so were heavily outweighed by their losses.

Since that was the case, Ye Ci immediately gave up on going to Blitz Cavern with Black Plum Guild. For her, the contents of the dungeon were not important. Her one and only goal was to have a duel against Fleeting Time. Although she was very unsatisfied with the outcome of the duel, Fleeting Time, who was suddenly disconnected from the game, must've felt worse.

Ye Ci was immediately delighted when she realized that Fleeting Time would definitely feel bad about the ordeal.

It was one of the rare moments that Ye Ci's thoughts wandered elsewhere when she was in class. She had totally ignored whatever the lecturer was teaching in class. When the class was over, Ye Ci packed her stuff while humming to herself, preparing to head to the canteen. Fang Susu ran after Ye Ci and laughed after overhearing Ye Ci's humming, "Yo yo yo, what happened? You seem to be in a good mood."

Ye Ci looked at Fang Susu. She had grown even prettier than before. Fang Susu originally was a good looking girl. Although she was not slim and slender like the current beauty trend, she had her own charm. In the short period that she began dating, Fang Susu was lively and radiating youth. It was no wonder that people claimed that girls in love would practically "glow." Despite not having experienced it, Ye Ci could see the glow clearly on Fang Susu.

"Aiyaya, what skincare products have you been using? Your face looks nice!" Ye Ci narrowed her eyes at Fang Susu while teasing the girl.

"Ah? I've been using the same ones that I've always used." Fang Susu, who was oblivious to Ye Ci's teasing, stroked her face.

"Says who? I think you've been applying a cosmetic called 'Love'."

"Y-you minx! W-what are you talking about?" Fang Susu blushed after catching on to the meaning of Ye Ci's words. Even her neck was covered in a few shades of red. She immediately chased after Ye Ci.

The duo raced each other jovially. Ye Ci, who noticed that Fang Susu had followed her to the canteen, was curious, "Eh? Aren't you eating with Qin Churuo today? Why are you with me?"

"Says who? I've been eating with our classmates as well alright? You on the other hand, have been going home to eat with your cousin! You're the one who with the problem!"

Ye Ci did not deny Fang Susu's words. Bai Mo did not have as many classes as Ye Ci and he was very obsessed with experimenting with different dishes in the kitchen. It wouldn't be nice if she didn't show him some support. She shrugged, "Exactly. But the cook went out to watch the E-Sports Tournament. Since there's nobody cooking for me, I can only eat at the canteen."

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