Chapter 96 The Burning Crevice

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12 seconds was a short period of time. Before Ye Ci could put a significant distance between them, Garrison had defrosted. Apparently Garrison was completely angered by Ye Ci. After the ice melted away, Half-Eyed Garrison let out a roar. The roar shook the sky itself, creating sound waves that swept through the forest. Despite Ye Ci's best effort to run away, she was unable to escape the effects of the soundwave and her HP dropped rapidly.

"This fella is truly OP." Ye Ci cursed out loud, and immediately drank a Health Potion to replenish some of her HP. She then continued desperately dashing forward.

Garrison was just too big. In front of such a massive creature, it was just a waste of time for Ye Ci to even try to outmaneuver Garrison with her balance and agility. That was why Ye Ci gave up on maneuvers like jumping around on tree branches, and instead opted to just dash madly through the forest.

There were a lot of tall trees in the forest, and Ye Ci would always dart through between them. This hindered Garrison, who was in pursuit, greatly, and managed to slow it down.

The temperature of the air was rising rapidly.

As Ye Ci ran, perspiration formed on her forehead and flowed down through her hair, seeping into her leather armor. The wet feeling surrounding her body made Ye Ci uncomfortable. She raised one of her arms, wiped away sweat from her face, and drank another Speed Potion. If she was running in the correct direction, she was getting closer and closer to the Burning Crevice.

A normal monster would stop chasing after a player once they'd moved out of a certain range. They had their own territory, and couldn't be bothered with leaving the place. Epic Monsters, however, were different. They had the same behavior as dungeon monsters: as long as you're not dead, they'll never give up. But even the monsters in dungeons were conscious about their range limit. As long as you leave the dungeon, you're safe. An Epic Monster, however, was a different story. It appeared in the wild, and could move anywhere in the map. As long as you weren't dead, as long as you didn't flee into a dungeon, its aggro would always be on you, and you could never escape from it.

Half-Eyed Garrison was irritated by the thick branches, and he suddenly jumped up. Of course, his jump height was lacking, but that was not the point. The point was that when it landed, Garrison swept its tail that was a thick as an electric pole at the trees.

The movement of Garrison's tail produced sharp gusting winds that stung the back of Ye Ci's neck. Sporadic cracking sounds followed after the wind. Ye Ci stole a glance backwards, and saw that all the trees around Garrison, no matter how thick they were, had all fallen, forming a fan shaped clearing. It was a horrible sight to see.

Ye Ci cursed inwardly. She could imagine that if she was hit by the skill, she might've died without even having time to feel the pain.

Waves of heat assaulted Ye Ci's senses. It seemed that she was getting nearer and nearer to the Burning Crevice, while Garrison was also getting closer and closer to her. At long last, the trees in front of Ye Ci parted, and a wide open space appeared. The ground was charred black, with scorching hot air rising from the ground. Ye Ci took a deep breath and jumped down the crevice.

Quicker than words can tell, right at that moment before Ye Ci leapt into the air, Garrison activated another Epic-tier ability, Stampede. He shot out like an arrow discharged from a bowstring... No, it was more like a derailed atomic bomb, dashing towards Ye Ci.

Fortunately, Ye Ci threw herself high enough into the air, and Garrison could barely scratch at the soles of her feet before falling down the crevice. Ye Ci took in a deep breath, it was too dangerous. Had Garrison collided with her in midair, she would've been killed.

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