Chapter 88 White Bomb

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If the sudden disappearance of Steel Blooded Battle Spear was a relief for the members of Upwards Ho!, then Clear Moon's question that followed was the trigger to their heated discussion.

"Eh? Where did they disappear to?"

After a few seconds of silence, a lively discussion exploded in the party. Some said that the surface of the ice was actually a jerry-built project, some claimed that it was divine intervention, while there were some who said it was a glitch in the system. The guild members discussed the topic enthusiastically while collecting more colored balls.

The culprit, Ye Ci, did not take part in the discussion. She focused all her attention on collecting more balls.

The second round ended without much suspense. The representatives of the Eastern Continent who would join the third round of the competition were Wolf Pack, Upwards Ho! and Blade of Abyss.

After a short rest, the 3 parties were transported to the arena for the third round.

Ye Ci took a quick look at the arena and noticed that they were in the sky. With this, they'd been to air, land and sea.

The rules were slightly different in this round of the competition. With exception to the platform that the 12 parties were standing on, players would levitate whenever they left the platform. All the parties were required to collect blue colored balls while bringing along their dragon. But in the process of grabbing the blue balls, players must also beware of the white colored ones, which would randomly explode. Parties that had their dragon's HP depleted due to the explosions would be eliminated.

To win the round, a party must collect 999 blue balls, and each blue ball was worth 1 point. When a party had accumulated 999 points, a giant colored pearl ball belonging to the party would appear in a specific location. The party must then rush into the giant pearl with their dragon.

The game sounded simple. But for humans who were used to walking on land to suddenly have to fly in the sky was a huge challenge in terms of controlling their direction and the force needed to maneuver.

Upwards Ho! was not the only party to face trouble. All the participants had the same problem as well. Not only that, Upwards Ho! was unable to fully utilize their cat claws as they were unable to grasp the distance of objects in this 3-dimensional space.

The competition would last for 1 hour. If no party was able to achieve victory within the round, 3 of the parties with the highest score would be selected to proceed to the 4th round. Although players would only need to hang on for an hour, the blue balls offered rare items and would be bound to whoever collected them. The players were fired up to acquire as many blue balls as they could.

It was a sinister design by the developers. Such arrangements in a group activity that offered rare items that were bound to a player was obviously meant to incite disharmony within a party. Before long, a party from the Northern Continent had an internal dispute, and their players began shoving each other.

Just then, Customer Service No.094's anger inducing voice rang out again along with a system message, "Everyone remain calm. You can always talk things out. Don't fight~~ Or your points might be deducted~~"

What's with the '~~'? Ye Ci strongly disdained Wang Jiangnan's action of fanning the flames. Why are you typing out that symbol? Are you trying to act cute or something?

"Everyone, turn on your distance assistance plugin. I want everyone to only grab the balls closest to them. I don't wish to see our own members quarrel because of the balls. Those who get into a fight because of the blue balls will have 50 DKP deducted from them." Bai Mo immediately warned his guild members after seeing what happened to the Northern Continent party.

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