Chapter 50 Armored Giant Tortoise

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It was easy to have dreams. But in the face of a real challenge, dreams may not be that easy to achieve.

Ye Ci sat at the edge of the hot spring, staring at the Armored Giant Tortoise. She was considering strategy after strategy in order to defeat the BOSS.

Armored Giant Tortoise, lvl 40. It was known for its tough hide and an unprecedented amount of HP. Along with its incredibly hard shell, its defense was not something that one could underestimate. When angered, the BOSS will breath out a thick layer of mist. Players affected by the mist will have their lowered speed and take continuous frost damage. This frost damage will slowly chip away at a player's HP. An even more absurd trait of this BOSS was that it will dive in the water to hunt for fishes to heal itself.

With its tremendous amount of HP and its self-heal ability, the Armored Giant Tortoise could be called overpowered.

Despite that, when the average player level reaches lvl 40, hordes of players would still challenge the BOSS. This was because they wanted to obtain a shield with absolutely broken stats that would be dropped by the BOSS. This shield could be used by a Warrior or a Knight until they reach lvl 80.

According to Ye Ci's experience in her past life, Winter's Hotspring was one of the most popular maps in the Eastern Continent. The place was basically a second home for Warrior and Knight players. The spawn points of the Armored Giant Tortoise was always crowded by players.

Even back then, only 15 of those shields were dropped in the span of 10 years. The drop rate of the shield could only be said to be ridiculously low.

Although she had no interest in the shield, Ye Ci was still tempted to try and defeat the BOSS. A Wild BOSS such as this would usually drop skill books and was also a chance for players to discover Epic Quests. Of course, one of the most crucial reasons for her desire to slay the BOSS was the 4 Talent Points rewarded for drawing First Blood on Wild BOSSes that were lvl 30 and above.

These 4 Talent Points were very crucial for Ye Ci.

Ye Ci circled the Armored Giant Tortoise, trying to figure out its weak points. Its movements were slow, a perfect victim to kite. But with Ye Ci's current stats, it's level and defense were far too high. She would not be able to break through its defense. This meant that she could not dish out much damage to the BOSS.

The creature was covered by a thick shell as tough as iron walls on all sides. But this did not mean that there was nothing Ye Ci could do.

The Armored Giant Tortoise has two weaknesses.

One weakness was at its neck, while the other was at its tail. These two spots were not covered by its armor. Instead, they were covered by a layer of very thin skin. Even at lvl 20, Ye Ci could deal a high amount of damage to the BOSS if she was able to hit those 2 spots.

But how?

After pondering a bit, Ye Ci gave up on attacking the neck. Although it was the easiest spot to hit and could even potentially damage the Armored Giant Tortoise's heart, Ye Ci had to position herself near its head to pull that off. Despite having a slow speed, the BOSS had rows of sharp teeth that Ye Ci was particularly wary of. With her level, she'd die instantly if she got bitten.

The only place left was the spot on the tail was... Also known as... The 'ass' ...

Ye Ci looked up atthe sky and prepared herself mentally. As long as she was able to defeat this monster, she was willing to try anything.

Ye Ci gave up on attacking from a distance after taking their level differences into account. Besides, the weak spot was too small for her to hit accurately. Instead, she chose to use her Venomous Scorpion Stinger for melee attacks.

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