Chapter 101 Tan Polang

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As expected, Fluttering Red Feather oppa immediately spoke to Kano Chi(Ye Ci) after his remaining nakama had left, "Come come. We go here faster, this one closer route to Gale City."

Kano Chi of course knew about the "closer route." In her last life, she was very familiar with the Southern Continent. But of course, she couldn't tell Fluttering Red Feather oppa about her identity as a reincarnator. She turned her nakama mount around and followed Fluttering Red Feather.

Fluttering Red Feather oppa did not stop even for a moment along the way. He knew that it was dangerous to ride alone back to the city. If his enemies were to go after his head at that moment, he would be in a dai pinchi desu vault.

Kano Chi understood his keikaku as well. She matched Fluttering Red Feather's speed, keeping silent the whole way (probably thinking about getting vengeance on Itachi).

After going through 2 maps, Fluttering Red Feather oppa slowed down right before entering the Gale City map. He turned around and asked Kano Chi, "Gongzi, how you know, that sohai 英雄のアイランド(EIYUU NO AIRANDO) want to sabo us??"

So that guild was called 英雄のアイランド(EIYUU NO AIRANDO). Kano Chi could not recall any jianghu blood feuds between the 英雄のアイランド(EIYUU NO AIRANDO) and Black Plum ギルド(GIRUDO) in her last life.

"Oh, I happened to have heard about it." Said Kano Chi with a smile.

Fluttering Red Feather oppa could not accept her answer. He pulled the reigns of his nakama mount and stared at Kano Chi, "What you saying leh? Where you hear from one??"

Kano Chi pursed her lips. She had really happened to hear about it. But she was not a person with many words, and was too lazy to explain the whole thing. Kano Chi stopped and looked at Fluttering Red Feather, "Uhh.. Just beware of your subordinates."

"Simi lanjiao??" Fluttering Red Feather's expression darkened. As the leader of such a large ギルド(GIRUDO), it was impossible for him to not understand Kano Chi's words.

Kano Chi knew that he was anxious, but how could she explain herself clearly? She merely heard about the conversation by chance, and had not seen the faces of either party involved. She did not even know the full story, but only part of a conversation. She shook her hand and said, "I've said what needed to be said. I don't know anymore than that. You be careful."

"But..." Fluttering Red Feather oppa seemed to have guessed something, but could still not grasp at the big picture.

Kano Chi spurred her horse and left.

She was quite familiar with the Southern Continent. This land had given her much wealth in her last life. After replenishing her consumables in Gale City and repairing some of her equipment, Kano Chi bought a flying shard and prepared to leave.

She had a sudden change of mind before she left. Since she was here, why not go level up? Ol' Four was good in dealing AOE attacks, and there was a good leveling spot right outside of Gale City, so she could level Ol' Four there.

With her decision made, Kano Chi brought Ol' Four out of Gale City right after replenishing her supplies.

The monsters in the outskirts of Gale City were not high leveled. Kano Chi was able to find a bandit nest at the top of a hill. It was packed full of lvl 15 humanoid monsters that moved in groups. They would attack any players they came across in droves, and were quick to respawn. This made the place the favorite leveling spot for newbies.

Kano Chi summoned Ol' Four which charged forward and attacked the monsters with its AOE skills. Any monsters that were left out by Ol' Four were picked off by Kano Chi.

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