Chapter 1

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Hello dear readers ! I really hope you'll enjoy this fan fiction ; it's my first about Pitch Perfect and I'm quite unsure about this but anyway let me know what I could ameliorate in the comments.
Enjoy !


Rose's POV

My dad's car stopped in front of Barden University after 15 minutes of endless parking spot researches around the campus. We were supposed to be here an hour ago...

But when I got out of the car, every bad feeling that was contained in me since this morning suddenly disappeared and was replaced by a boost of confidence and an excessive joy.

- Ew, teenagers everywhere... my dad said as he took my suitcase out of the trunk.
- Stop being silly ! This is a dream come true ! I exclaimed, admiring the view.
- Poor dreams for a poor girl, my oldest brother, Blake, ruffled my hair.

I groaned and slapped his hand immediately. Oh how I wanted my independence...
Suitcase in hand, I hurried towards the main building without even knowing what it was, but a girl with black hair and freckles stopped me and asked :

- Hi, welcome to Barden ! Which dorm ?
- Hum..., I hesitated. Baker Hall.
- See that girl with the red backpack ? Follow her and you'll get there.

I thanked her (and didn't pay that much attention to the rape whistle she gave me) before yelling at my dad, Blake and my other sibling, Ethan, to speed up the pace.
They rolled their eyes but followed me without any further questions.

Five minutes later, I was entering Baker Hall, my light brown hair a bit messy due to the running I had to do in order not to lose the red backpack girl.

- Room 170, Blake told me before walking towards the stairs.

With a sigh, I imitated him and strangely started to hate myself for bringing that much stuff.

- I hope I'll get a cool roommate !
- I hope you get a snoring one... Ethan teased me.

I didn't even rise his intervention (one among too many) because we were reaching the door with the number "170".
I knocked but nobody answered so I just came in slowly.

- Looks like I'm the first one.

Donald's POV

Shit, those stairs are exhausting ! Bumper was whistling right behind me, pretending he wasn't noticing my struggle with all my luggage.
When we arrived in front of the door, he exclaimed :

- Look at you, you're already out of breath ! Trust me, you'll be my principal target during cardio !

I chuckled just thinking about which one of us had pizza + french fries + three scoops of ice cream for lunch...
But I didn't pay attention to him and entered in the room in front of me.

- Bumper you sure it's my dorm ?
- So much confidence in your best friend... he sighted.

Let me explain. I was expecting to see some smelly dude probably smoking with his friends on his bed, but instead, I saw a pretty hot girl filling her desk with her stuff.
On her bed were sitting two guys with brown hair, one really tall and the other smaller.

- Oh hi ! she smiled at me. You must be my roommate.
- Um, yeah I guess.
- I hope you don't mind I took the right side.
- Not at all !

I put my suitcases on my new bed, a huge smile spreading on my lips. It was too good to be real.

- Dude you hate left side, Bumper whispered to me.
- Have you seen her ?! I'm not ruining my chances for a room side, I answered, murmuring.
- Oh just like you'll ever have a chance, he scoffed.

I didn't listen and started to unpack my clothes while Bumper put my pairs of sneakers under my bed.

- I'm Donald by the way, I told her to break the embarrassing silence. Donald Walsh.
- I'm Rose. Rose Winters.

And she had a pretty name. At this moment, I knew I was probably the luckiest guy of the campus. No, of the whole f*cking country !
Rose presented her brothers to me, Blake and Ethan, and soon, her dad rejoined us in the dorm.

While I was putting my school stuff in my desk, Bumper called me quietly.

- What ? I whispered.
- Funny story, Donny... You're gonna laugh your ass off I swear... Hum... We are not exactly in the right room.
- Not exactly ?! I exclaimed, having Rose and her family stopping their conversation to look at me.

I apologized and said in a lower voice :

- I told you to check ! How could you read it wrong ?
- Turns out the 0 is an 8. I'll have to check my eyes sooner than I thought.
- Well screw that, I am not leaving this room.

He smirked and nodded in agreement before discreetly high-five me.

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