17) Say I love you

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Chapter 17 --- Land of the Dead

Say I love you

Outside, rain fell in sheets. The darkened sky flickered brightly for a split second, casting light over the land, before returning to its natural state; a deep, dark abyss, where the stars and the morning sun hid. Alice only hoped the clouds within the sky could swallow her up and erase her problems, but Alice sat frozen, knowing very well that all her dreams were dead and gone.

Looking over the barren land, there were tiny details Alice seemed to miss, like how blood not only mixed with rain, but sounded like the gentle pitter-patter of tiny feet upon the roof. Her eyes traced the outlines of white within the charcoal sky and came to rest on the moon, which suddenly peaked out from behind the clouds, smudged with the rain.

In her peripheral vision, she spotted a figure walking towards her. She rolled her eyes, allowing her lips to crinkle slightly.

"Look who showed up late."

Slate sat beside her on the window-seat, a smile plastered on his face. She took note of how his midnight-blue eyes dazzled in the faint moonlight.

"Yeah, and look who turned up early," He pressed his elbow into her side, and she drew back.

"I didn't turn up early!" She whispered under her breath, her words burning red but the lips they drew from cold. Slate chuckled.

"I know, I know, calm down."

Alice muttered something under her breath, quiet enough so Slate couldn't pick up on her words. The rain fell heavier, giving the appearance that everything outside was melting into the ground.

"I love this season," He uttered. "Mainly Winter though."

"Summer's the best season, don't deny it."

"Yeah, nah, I'm denying it."

Alice let her breath slip between her lips. "Of course you are."

Slate ran a hand through his thick hair; Alice had cut it earlier so that it didn't remain cropped badly. It suited him well, she thought.

"It's too hot during Summer." Slate murmured, noticing her eyes upon him.

"You've forgotten the meaning of 'Summer', haven't you?"

Slate looked away. "The true definition of Summer is to die in eternal heat and never get to eat an ice-cream without it melting. Now that, Alice, is the true definition of Summer."

Alice gazed longingly out the window, chuckling quietly to herself. Slate was the only source of warmth within the house, and so with a prolonged sigh, she leaned against his shoulder.

"I see, now."

• • • (Edited up to here for this chapter)

Jett tossed and turned in his sleep, before finally waking up at half past midnight. He cursed broken sleep and sat up, stretching. He could hear rain from outside pelting furiously against the battered house. He hated rain with a passion.

He yawned and blinked subtly, allowing his eyes to adjust to the shallow darkness around him. Once they did, they settled on a figure whose breathing was ragged; Victoria.

Jett nudged her lightly to see if she was still awake. With a grunt, she rolled over onto her side and looked up at Jett, rubbing her eyes before blinking.

"Sorry if I woke you."

She shook her head, letting her hair fan around her like a halo. "You didn't wake me. I can barely sleep at night."

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