1) Strangers

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Before you begin reading this story, I would like to mention the fact that yes, there are indeed numerous spelling errors and the like. This was written ages ago, and was also edited ages ago. I would also like to mention the fact that I was highly uneducated while writing this story. I have addressed numerous topics/other things that should be dealt with caution, but I was really foolish while writing them. I do not intend to offend anyone. I plan on correcting these mistakes.

Now, time to introduce the first chapter! I hope you enjoy this millennium old story.

Land of the Dead
Chapter One --- Strangers

"Get out of the way!" Alison screeched. She crawled over to where her brother laid and dragged his body behind a brick wall, before pulling out her handgun to shoot a zombie that limped towards her. With shaking hands, she pulled the trigger, but in her hurried haste missed; the bullet skimmed past the charcoal molten flesh that remained plastered to the empty living corpse. The living dead creature continued to drag itself up to the two ......  Cursing under her breath, she attempted again, only to succeed this time around.

Her attention reverted back to her brother as the zombie's knees gave way, collapsing to the ground. Her brothers whole body now laid mangled against the brick wall, eyes squeezed shut. His oak-brown hair fell in waves on his forehead; her hair-colour was similar, but she had hated it and had dyed it a shade darker than platinum-blonde pre-apocalypse.

Alice doubled onto the ground beside him as her surroundings started to shake. The brick wall followed, giving in to the land that shook below. Alice raised her arms above her head as a weak defence and let out a terrifying scream which was soon drowned out by the sound of a large explosion. The whole world seemed to vibrate and crumble beneath her feet. She couldn't hear anything. Not even her brothers own voice, which was calling out her name.

He had awoken.

She was paralyzed in fear as everything washed over her. Nothing was left. She was stuck in a zombie apocalypse. What was left of the falling government had decided to release several bombs in order to wipe out the living dead, taking survivors and buildings with them. She was stuck in the middle of this horror with her brother alongside her. There wasn't anything she could do to protect herself and Jett.

She couldn't feel anything, for she had lost her sense of touch. During a zombie apocalypse that would be seen as a blessing, but Alice yearned to be able to feel the
leaves of Autumn crunch under her feet. She desired to be able to touch things, feel their rough exterior, or their softness.To Alice, she had not just lost her sense of touch, but she had lost everything. Everything except for the person she loved most: her own brother. But if she lost him, she would lose herself and the world she once knew would crumble away like the brick-wall that once stood in front of her. She would never even dare to admit it to him; all she ever told him was that she hated him, wanted him to leave her alone and never come back for the grief he had caused her.

Deep down inside, Alice had forgiven him. She had moved on and escaped the dark days. They were a part of the past now, and over time remnants of the past end up being forgotten. She was glad she couldn't remember every intricate detail of her horrific past. What she currently knew, however, was that her past did not match up to the present and everything to come, as terrible as it was.

"Jett!" Alice tried to call out to her brother, but her voice was hoarse. It came out as a mere whisper as memories started to come flooding back to her, dark memories that she had almost forgotten about. How could she forget about them? What had happened when she was younger was absolutely horrid, but she and her brother had somehow moved on. Had they?

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