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Whenever I felt lost,

trapped inside the girl

staring back at me with

the wide eyes and long hair,

I urged to click the heels of a

pair of ruby slippers,

letting my eyes flutter shut,

and murmur: "there's no place

like home."

And then I'd wake up,

safe in a warm bed,

with people muttering

comforting words.


But then I realized,

that I can't call anything

my "home," my safe haven,

until I feel comfortable

in my own skin.

And as the days

turned into weeks,

and you came into my life,

I felt at home whenever

I was with you,

as you entranced me under

your spell,

making me forget the part

of myself that I was afraid to see.

You helped me escape;

You are my safe haven.


[to whoever is reading this: cloud nine has helped me realize that there is good in myself, as well as everyone and everything. You guys make me feel like I belong somewhere.]

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