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you call me an idealist,
one who thinks that
a Utopian society is plausible,
even attainable.

you say that my views,
are ludicrous.
mere murmurs of a girl,
who doesn't understand anything.

yeah, I despise war.
I hate the mindless killing,
the production of slaughtering machines,
used only to end the lives of God's creations.

I may be against violent video games,
the ones that seem to encourage children,
the innocent mockingbirds,
the future of our world.

I abhor the oppression of people,
who are different in any respect.
this ethnocentrism is what causes
ingenuous people to be lying dead in the dirt.

you laugh at my idea,
that world peace can happen.
you look at me like I'm subhuman,
because I don't believe in self-indulgence.

maybe I won't be able to end war,
or stop violence and oppression.
perhaps I'm not powerful enough,
to relieve people of the hate they possess
for other human beings.

but I know,
that laughing at me,
only shows that you've been
sucked into the groove that,
seems to have gotten to everyone.

and I'm no idealist,
or a firm believer of a Utopian society,
but if you just take my hand,
and listen to my murmurs,
maybe I won't seem as stupid
as you think I am.

it appears that the key,
is having a heart
that beats for other people,
and eyes that see past
one dimension.

[to whoever reads this: you have love in your heart.]

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