Chapter Two : Home Is Where The Monsters Are

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« Monsters are real and
they look like people »

"So what do you think she'd rank at?" Jared asked

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"So what do you think she'd rank at?" Jared asked.

"What " I said, snapping out of my thoughts.

I was back. That is, if I left at all.

I was so confused as to what had happened. I hadn't moved, the girl hadn't moved, no one had. Nothing was physically different, but it all felt different. It all felt weird

"Were you not listening to me at all? I've been talking to you " Jared replied.

"Sorry. What were you saying?"

"I said, based off of what you've seen and what the doctor said, what do you want to rank her?" Jared repeated.

It was just then, I noticed the doctor had left the room while me and Jared were talking.

"One." I answered, remembering me and the girls conversation.

"Dude are you serious? She's like a four or five." Jared argued.

"I don't think she's that bad. We could help her out. It might just be a...trauma thing. Yeah, a trauma thing. Like from past experiences" I lied.

I looked back down at the girl to see her hair had fallen away from her face. She was looking up at me, with a smirk on her face.

It had to have happened. She wouldn't look at me like that if it hadn't. It had to have happened, I wasn't crazy.

"Whatever man, you're the psychologist. I still think you're wrong though." Jared said with a shrugged before leaving the room.

I waited a few moments after he left before closing and locking the door that lead to this room. Then I closed the door to the holding room.

"Ok start talking" I demanded as I sat down next to the Charlotte on the floor.

I needed confirmation that the strange event had happened.

"I told you. I need help." She said.

"What are you?" I asked.

"Again, I told you this already. Some call me an angel but the smart people call me a demon." Charlotte repeated.

"What am I then? Since you said I'm like you. And how the hell do you know who and what I am?" I asked.

"So many questions." Charlotte said.

She rolled her eyes after she spoke. Then she took a breath before answering my questions.

"To start off, you and me are what the mortals call a monster. A creature from another dimension, another world." Charlotte stated.

She looked at me and I nodded, saying that I understood what she was saying. Yet understanding isn't believing. I want evidence to show that she's not just some crazy person a cop found on the street. Real evidence, not some freaky daydream experience.

"I know who you are because everyone knows you Eliot. Every monster that is. We know who you are because of your mother." She continued.

"My mother is dead." I said.

"Yes but she died giving birth to you. Did she not?" Charlotte countered.

All I did was nod.

"Your mother was a mortal who fell in love with a monster. A monster who was cast out of our world. His name was erased from history, but we all still know he existed. They fell in love and then had you. The first and only monster to ever be born in the mortal world." She spoke.

"Why the first and only?" I asked.

"Because monsters can't fall in love." She whispered, so quietly it was like she was talking to herself.

She sat silent for a minute or two before continuing her story.

"Mortals can't give birth to monsters so your mother died and you were placed in what the mortals here call Foster Care. You were adopted and grew up believing you were human. Never knowing what you truly were." Charlotte continued.

"Why are you here? Who threw my dad out of your world? What happened to my dad? And how do I know you're not just crazy?" I asked.

"The monsters have leaders, like the mortals. They threw me and your dad out. For reasons that aren't correct. Your dad was accused of something big and then cast out without a fair trial. After you are born he was killed by the leaders." Charlotte answered, ignoring the question about me knowing if she was truly crazy.

I decided not to ask why she was thrown out. Seemed like a bad subject.

"He was killed because he had me?" I asked.

It was my fault that my dad was dead?

"No, he was killed because of the rules. Rule number one: monsters don't fall in love. We're supposed to have no feelings of love, compassion, happiness, but some of us do. Then we're cast out because of it." She spoke quietly.

"Do you have those feelings?" I asked her.

"No." She answered quickly.

Too quickly.

"How do you get back to your world?" I questioned.

"OUR world. Well first I need out of here, then I find the door I was cast out of and open it." She explained.

"What happens when you do open the door?" I asked curiously.

"This is the last question. I open the door, then me and you go home." She answered.

"We? I'm not going anywhere." I declared.

"Yes you are. I've been watching you from back home. You may like it here but you don't belong." Charlotte replied.

"No. I'll get you back to where you belong, but that's it." I said seriously as I got up and walked towards the door.

Just as I was about to close the door, Charlotte spoke again.

"We'll see about that Eliot."

A.N : Here's chapter two, let me know what you guys think about it. Decided to post chapter 2 now, idk why. Chapter Three will still be posted on Saturday.

Also I decided I'm going to do questions for each of the chapters (I'm trying some new). So,

Q: Favourite Band/Artist?

My answer: Panic! At The Disco

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