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My alarm clock screamed for me to wake up and i threw it across my room. I took a quick bath and got dressed for  my last day of junior year. my outfit consisted of black yoga pants, red converse, and my grey, red, and white volleyball t-shirt. I grabbed my bookbag and headed down the stairs. My mom and dad scared the crap out of me when my feet hit the last step.  When they screamed " HAPPY BIRTHDAY KYLIE!!" it occured to me then that today was infact my seventeenth birthday. My dad grabbed my arm and pulled me to our front door. "Scott let go. I want to eat breakfast and not be late for the bus." I called Scott my dad becaue my 'actual dad' "left  me and my 'mom' on my fourteenth birthday" "come on kylie you will definately want to see this." was all Scott said before he jerked me out of the house.he uncovered my eyes and said "happy birthday sweetheart" I screamed nd and gave Scott a hug and said "thank you!" before running to the black beauty that was mine.Scott knew me very well because he special ordered it just the way i wanted it. I ran and gave Scott another hug and said "thank you dad." i ate my breakfast and went to get my bookbag from where i dropped it after being terrified by my parentals and went back to the front door where Scott stood with the keys in his hand. He handed me the keys and i went to my new car.  i went and picked up my best friend in the whole world Keagen Payne and when she was in my car and we were driving we looked at eachother and screamed symoltaneousl SPRINGFIELD HIGH.... HERE WE COME!!!!

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