Huge Problem

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"Na.. Nat.. Tsu.. NATSU!" a voice shouted. Natsu grumbled as he tried to move his body. "Brother.. must you be so harsh on him?" another voice asks. "Yes sister, I've been calling him for the past 10 minutes now." the first voice says as Natsu slowly sits up. He groggily opens his eyes as he sees two enormous dragons.  Both with gems embedded in their chest. One with an infinity sign and the other with an omega sign. The one on with the infinity sign was white and gold. It looked elegant yet menacing at the same time. "Hello my child. Nice to meet you. I am Heiwa the Infinite Dragon." the white dragon spoke. The other one was jet black and had streaks of red. It had many battle scars across it body which made it look even more menacing. "Good to see your awake. I am Bahama." Bahama says. 

"So where am I?" Natsu asked "We are in your mindscape. As we speak, a threat is approaching. You may have heard of him. His name is Acnologia. Not only that but we fear Zeref may interfere as well.." Heiwa explains."Those bastards.." Natsu says. The thought of them made him grit his teeth. "So what can I do?" He asks. "You see brat... in your last battle you used up too much magic power. due to that your body is dying. We managed to save your body and contain it in these gloves. Due to that your body is adapting to our magic so you can use it at will. but be careful not to use too much magic power again or we won't be able to save you."  Bahama explains. "Alright! Thanks." Natsu shouts. AS he says this he begins to fade. "What's happening to me?" he asks panicked. "It seems your gaining consciousness again." As Bahama says this Natsu completely fades away. "I can see why Igneel took interest in him" Heiwa says before she and Bahama disappear as well. 

At the Arena

A familiar roar was heard in the distance. The roar was so loud it shook the entire arena. Panic shook through the arena as the roars got louder by the minute. "EVERYBODY! EVACUATE! A DRAGON HAS BEEN SPOTTED!" the announcer shouts as everybody flooded out of the arena.

Terror rang through Crocus as the dragon got closer. The guilds could make out it's shape. "No.. It cant be." Makorov says as he rubs his eyes  "It's Acnologia!" Jet shouted. Blaze rose from the ground smiling maniacally as he burst in a shroud of flames. Suddenly a cannonball hit the arena. The guilds looked back to see a fleet of warships. "Jura's eyes widen as he sees a mark on them. "Those belong to the Alverez Empire!"

As Acnologia drew closer the warships sped up and troops started to drop. The troops and the guilds started to clash as Acnologia drew even closer. Suddenly Natsu rose from the ground looking very serious. His body lit ablaze as he started to build up magic power as flames licked his body. The Spriggan 12 were seen looking down on the battle field as Acnologia sped up. His punches his palm and shouts "BRING IT ON!"

Hey guys! I'm back. This is some exciting stuff going on right? If I get bored I might update again. I mean... I'm on a call listening to my friend posting Ugandan Knuckles memes. So uh yeah. See ya!

Arcane Kitsune signing off~

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