Blaze Vs. Krystal

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"HELLO LADIES AND GENTLEMEN! WELCOME BACK TO THE DAY THREE FIGHTS OF THE GRAND MAGIC GAMES.i'M YOUR HOST REALLY FORGETTABLE ANNOUNCER DUDE! THIS MATCH IS BETWEEN BLAZE FROM FAIRYTAIL A AND KRYSTAL FROM ANCIENT PHOENIX!!!!! LET'S INTRODUCE THE NEXT ROUND OF FIGHTERS!" the announcer dude said after a quick break. The two announced fighters went down to the arena> Suddenly a voice narrated all there stats, strengths and weaknesses as if this was a show where two or more characters fight to determine who's better.

"Alright, now that voice from the sky is finished talking, you can finally fight. You all know the rules by now surely. Ready now? Begin!" the referee says as the two slayers clashed.. Things were going in Krystal's favor as she combo'd Blaze quickly with a swift Crystal Dragon's Takeoff followed by a Crystal Dragon's Waterfall, which by the time Blaze hit the floor Krystal had prepared another combo for him. This time Krystal started off with Crystal Dragon's Roar which sent Blaze flying as she quickly dashed behind him and knocked him into the ground using Crystal Dragon's Backhand. Meanwhile Fairytail couldn't believe their eyes. "Blaze is getting destroyed!" Jet shouted worried for their new member.

Suddenly though the tables turned. Blaze rose from the floor smiling. "Hehehe..." Blaze started to laugh. "HEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHE" Blaze looked at her. "So cutie... You think you can just humiliate me when I'm about to look good huh? Well you darn wrong. How about I give you a bit of... punishment??!" Blaze says sadistically while laughing maniacally. Suddenly a mysterious flame burst out of him. He looks up and the entire crowd sees that his eyes were glowing crimson red. He smiles as he charges at Krystal. After a few minutes of being on the defensive Krystal slips up and Blaze grabs her by her throat. Over in the crowd Natsu's eyes widened.  "NO!" He shouts as tears threatened to fall from his face. He couldn't stand the fact that he was doing this. Using flames that didn't look like magic, he lifts Krystal up even higher choking her more. Krystal struggles to break free. The flames spread on her body immobilizing her.

"THAT"S ENOUGH!" the referee yelled as he witnessed what had happened. I'm afraid the points will have to go to ancient phoenix as Fairytail will have to disqualify a team of theirs for this incident. Makorov's eyes widened as he witnessed what one of his children did. Blaze then threw Krystal to the floor roughly but she didn't hit it as Natsu had caught her. "N.. Nat,, Natsu?" Krystal manages to mutter as she passed out. "Why you.." Natsu put her down gently as he stood up. Tears falling from his eyes he stood up and glared at Blaze. I see Fairytail decided to find a replacement for me. I'll avenge her I swear!" Natsu says with Fiery determination as he picked up Krystal and walked out of the arena.

Hello my good readers. Just wanted to let you know that the story is going to end soon. I thinking of what I should write next. It might not be on this account but I might have a poll. I wanted to know if you are reading this. Is so comment your favorite anime and I'll try to watch and write about it!

Arcane Kitsune signing off~

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