Late Halloween Part 2

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As our favorite salmon haired hero was getting ready to go to the Haunted Maze with Krystal, she barges into the room. "Hey Natsu!" Krystal shouts, "I have to do something! So how about we go on November 11th instead!" Nastu was confused but complied anyway. "Sure?" he responded "Okay, thanks! Gotta go!" Krystal says as she rushes off to who knows where. "Well I guess that gives me more time to train with me sword!" Nastu says to nobody in particular. 

Le Tiem Skip

Nastu was in the guild's training room as he was waiting for Krystal. Then Krystal bursts through the door right on cue. "Hey Nastu!" Krystal shouts excited. "Ready to go?" "Yeah!" Natsu responded. "Quick question, how do I look?" Krystal Questions while doing a pose. "Amazing!" Nastu responds as he got an anime nosebleed. "Alright let's head out!" Krystal says as she leaves not even caring about the fact that Natsu was stuck in the ceiling.


"Hehehehehehehehehehehehehehe!" a mysterious voice says. "Anybody who comes to the maze today will get a special treat.." Then a scream is heard. "MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA" the voice laughs. "I mean this totally won't be a cliche moment where the heroes will by some chance come on this day ruining my plans just because they're the protagonists." the voice said. "Nah that won't happen." Then a few more screams are heard throughout  the maze and the voice laughs even more.

Back to Nastu and Krystal

"Man I'm so excited for this!" Natsu says jumping up and down from excitement.  "Nastu calm down!" Krystal says while sweat dropping. "We have to get n the train to get there." Krystal mutters. Natsu heard this and immediately paled. "Nope! I don't want to do this anymore!" Nastu says and tries to run off but fails. "Oh no you're not!" Krystal says angrily, "If I'm going on this death trap then you are too!" Krystal says while dragging Natsu to the train. "NOOOOOO-" Nastu shouts as he turned 50 shades of green.

Le Tiem Skip

As Natsu and Krystal walked into the fair of Halloween spookiness, Krystal immediately rushed over to a stand with a stuffed Natsu plushie in a Halloween costume. "OMG CAN YOU GET THIS FOR ME?!!" Krystal yells excitedly starry eyed. "Sure, sure. Please stop screaming. My ears are dead!" Natsu whined. The boothman pretends not to notice this and explains to them what to do. "Alright! Step right up! In this game you'll hafta go into a narrow corridor and dodge blasts of lasers fired at you. The farther you get, the faster it shoots. If you get to the end and touch the robot shooting the lasers, you get to choose a prize and you something special from lil' ol me/" The boothman explained. "Don't try it man! It's impossible!!!" Someone shouts from the crowd. "Entry fee is 10 jewels." The boothman says. "Here." Nastu says as he hands him the jewels. "On your mark, Get set, GO!" the boothman says as Natsu takes off with a sudden burst of speed. 'Right, Left,then duck and roll to the left again. Then make a run and roll.' Nastu thinks to himself. Natsu initiates his plan as the robot starts to shoot As Nastu got really close he rolls and manages to avoid the laser that would have hit him. 'Woah! That was close.' Nastu thought as he was approaching the robot. 'Just a jump and I'll make it!'  Nastu thought as he saw a laser approaching him. Natsu in shocked jumped up as high as he could and landed on the robot. "CONGRATULATIONS!" The robot spoke. "YOU HAVE BEATEN ME!" Natsu then felt wierd as he began to teleport back to the beginning and was met by the boothman. "good job kiddo!" Now pick a prize while I get something special for you. atsu then walked over to the prizes and picked up the plushie Krystal wanted. "I CALL HAX!" the person from before shouts. "You deserved this kiddo." The man said as he handed Natsu a pair of fingerless lolves with the Omega symbol on it. Those kidddo are said to have two dragons in them. One of them is raging with power and the other is very wise." The boothman explained. "Woah are you sure you want me to have these old man?!" Natsu asks. "You've earned them kiddo." He says grinning. "Thanks!" NAtsu says as he gives the plushie to Krystal and they walk off into the rest of the fair. "Ah Young Lobe." The boothman mutters to himself.

Hey guys.! To make up for the fact that there is gong to be three parts the third part will be up early and there will still be weekly Saturaday updates. Also does anybody else want to comment on wht dragons Natsu should meet in the future?

Arcane Kitsune signing off~

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