Late Halloween Part 3

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After Nastu had won his prize for Krystal and a pair of gloves for himself, they set off to the Haunted Maze. "Wooooo! This is a very Spooooooooooooooky Maze! Can you handle it?" The entrance man said. "I'm Sure I can!" Natsu says confidently. "Then you may enter???" the entrance man questions. With that Natsu and Krystal enter the maze.

When they first entered it was a pretty normal maze. When they met a split they pondered what route to go. "Right." Natsu said. "Left." Krystal argued. They argument went on and on but finally the chose to go left. "Fine, left." Natsu sighed. They went left only to be met with a dead end and a 'fake' dead body. "Welp i guess we go back and go right!" Natsu says triumphantly. When they turned their backs the body's eyes glowed a deep red.

Krystal saw a bunch of ooze and skeletons on the right path and was scared. She shivered at the thought of them being real and hugged Natsu's arm.. "Natsu, I'm scared." Krystal told him. "It's alright! I'm here to protect you!" They continued walking down that path and found a major change in the environment. Suddenly a zombie jumps up at them. Surprised they stumbled back. "Fire Dragon's Iron Fist!" Natsu shouted as he blew the zombies head straight off. They looked behind and found the ooze pile up into a giant slime and the skeletons waking up with red glowing eyes.

"Run!" Natsu told Krystal as the bolted for it. The made turns and swerves ,in fact they we surprised the din't run into a dead end. They started to celebrate but they celebrated too early as they just ran into a dead end.  Behind them  was the horde of monsters, but the one that was most notable was the slime which was now a black color.

"Natsu seeing as there was no choice decided to use a Fire Dragon's Roar. He blasted through many many walls of the maze and obliterated most of the mobs. The slime however just reformed. "Quick, distract them!" Natsu says. "Krystal nods as she send a Crystal Dragons's Shining Mineral at the slime. While she was doing this Natsu put on the gloves and unsheathed his sword. 'Good thing I got some practice with this.' Natsu thought to himself.

 "Ok you try to find a way further while I cut this thing down!!!" Natsu says a bit demonically. "Ok!?" Krystal says a bit scared. Natsu suddenly disappears and reappears behind the slime with a greatsword in his hand. "Dragon's E.N.D.: Soul Hunting!!" Natsu shouts as he slams the sword in the ground creating an earthquake of fire. The slime absorbs the fire and turns around to find nothing. "Dragon's E.N.D.: Spirit Piercing" Natsu says with a grin on his face as he completely pierces the slime and burning it into absolute oblivion with a new rapier. 'Why has nobody noticed this destruction?' Natsu thinks to himself.

"Natsu I found the source of the monsters!" Krystal says enthusiastically. 'Well more of I stumbled upon it when you made the ground  erupt' Krystal thought. "Great lead us there!" Natsu says. Krystal nods and starts to run back to where she found it. There they found a metal trapdoor. Now Natsu rips it open and jumps down. "Wait for me!" Krystal shouts as she jumps down as ell landing on Natsu.

"Gah! Who are you!" a mysterious voice says. "So are you the one that decided to kill people in the maze?!" Natsu questions. "Hey! I asked first! the voice says. "And  I asked if you did this!" Natsu says threateningly. "Ok, ok fine! Yes I am!" the voice says scared. "Now who are you!" NAtsu keeps questioning. "My name is Dr. Frank N. Stein.... NOW!" He says as a giant Zombie comes and smashed Krystal. "Krystal!" Natsu shouts worried. Suddenly the giant zombie was covered over in crystals. "Detonate" Krystal says from behind Natsu as the Zombie starts to glow and explode. "Gah You've foiled my plans!" Frank says. "No matter!" he says as he takes out a veil. "With this I'll become my own monster!" he says as he gulped it all down. Suddenly he grows about triple his size and becomes very buff. His skin starts to pale and his arms grew very long and large. "I've become the Frankenstein now!" the doctor yells. "Give it up." Natsu says. "Krystal, leave this place and tell the guild what happens." Natsu orders. "But-" Krystal starts "NOW!" Natsu yells. "Now then." Natsu says as he cracks his neck. "I'll give you a bad time!"

"Second Origin: Dragon's E.N.D.: Soul and Body Annihilation!" Natsu shouts as his rapier became a scythe. The ground shatters beneath him and the pressure completely grounded Frank. Then Natsu cuts right through him with a flaming scythe and then Frank evaporated. On the ground in his place was a note. "Can't let you kill my most valued assistant. - from Fallen the Red Eyed." Natsu read. "Guess the GMG will start soon again." Natsu said as he started to head back.

Expect another update. Day three fights will be separate. First fight will be Yukino vs. Elfman.

Arcane Kitsune signing off~

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