e m o t i o n a l // 21

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It was dark, my feet walked on it's on and my mind was in a trance

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It was dark, my feet walked on it's on and my mind was in a trance.

I was lost, I was hurt, I hated myself, I felt disgusting.

What did I do to deserve this life? Why did it always have to be me who always got hurt in the end?

I found myself at his doorstep, knocking on the mahogany doors with little strength I had left.

The door flew open and immediately Harry's eyes flashes with worry. Once I saw his face I burst out into tears.

"My god Birdie W―What the hell happened!" He picked me up into his arms rushing me to the couch.

It was a lot happening to me right now and the only thing I could think of was this was my first time in Harry's home.

"H―He, He" I couldn't bring myself to say what he did to me, I couldn't talk neither could I stop crying.

"Who the fuck did this to you Birdie I swear to god I'll kill them!"

"L-Lucas. I fought and screamed for him to stop b― but but he kept―" I cried and cried and it drained me of any all the energy I had left.

"Shh baby I'm here now, I'll protect you." Harry ran to the closet to grab me a blanket and wrapped it around my shoulders. "I'm gonna take care of you, but you have to tell me everything."

I nodded explaining slowly what happened and what Nicole told Lucas about me which provoked him to do what he did.

Harry was furious.

I was so scared.

"Harry? Who was at the door?"

Nicole was here?

Once she came down the stairs she looked at me with a sharp glare.

"What the hell is she doing here?"

"You bitch!"

We both were shocked at Harry's reaction as he stormed towards her angrily.

"Birdie was raped by your nephew because you through out there that she was some sort of prostitute!"

"Excuse me? Are you going to sit here and believe her over your wife?"

Harry grabs Nicole angrily we both wincing as he does. "Did you or did you not feed your disgusting nephew bullshit about her! Don't you fucking lie Nicole!"

"Y―Yes but I didn't expect all this to―"

"Get the fuck out of my house."

"What?" Nicole freezes tears poor down her eyes as she's lost for words.

"Take that ring off your finger, and get the hell out of my house."

"After all these years you're willing to throw me out like fucking trash?" Nicole snarls pushing Harry away from her.

"Do you see that girl over there. She is eighteen Nicole, and her life is ruined because of you. Because of you she will always carry this on her shoulders for the rest of her life! Now get out of my damn house"

But why did I feel as though it's not her fault.

Why did I feel it all lead to Harry?

If he just loved his wife, this would've never happened. Can't he see that? It's not her fault.

Nicole lifts her chin up, throws the ring on the floor and grabs her keys that laid on the nearby coffee table. She looks at my sympathetically before turning back towards Harold.

"You'll regret not being with me someday." And just like that Nicole was gone.

Briefly there was a tear falling down Harry's face, but he kept a stern expression letting out a heavy sigh as though he's been waiting for this moment forever.

He walks to me slowly hugging me tightly, he runs his hands through my hair and whispers in my ear.

"I'm going to catch that bastard and he will fucking pay, I can promise you that."

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