s t o r y a n a y l s i s

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The authors perspective
In the beginning of the story we start off with Birdie explaining how Harry and her are having an affair that she doesn't really know of herself. She keeps tracks of the time that Harry wants to see her finding it a bit suspicious, but she doesn't really pays much mind to it only wanting to be around harry. Now Harry asks her, "You in love with me or something" she thinks for awhile not really confirming her love for him, but still a little unsure, she says "Maybe".

Harry being the person he is, ask her this question because he doesn't want anything more than just sex. He sees how she is getting emotionally attached and wants to prevent that from happening because he knows that birdie is too innocent and pure to be with a guy like him. In the next few scenes we see Birdie goes to his office, and there Harry "slips up" saying he needs her, then Birdie knows that she loves him and it's apart of her that knows as well he doesn't really care about her either.

This sets us in the next chapter whereas Harry wants to introduce her to his world behind the scenes so he invites her to come to his home, thinking his wife would most likely be at work or something. Coincidentally he can't make it unfortunately so swamped in work since he is the CEO of a big company. It's too late when he texts her because Birdie arrives at his house a bit earlier than told. Nicole sees Birdie and goes to confront her about standing in front of her home, this is a heartbreaking moment for Birdie cause she's finds out the love of her life is married.

Next we see shy and timid Birdie trying to confront her lover about being married hoping that he will leave her. Harry becoming irritated about the situation and how she is starting to find out more about his life turns cold and says he only "likes to fuck her", which was a jerk move that he didn't technically mean to say. He obviously sees how she is hurt and wants to apologize but he gets reminded that he's such a fuck up and that he doesn't deserve Birdie. He wants her to leave him because he's such an ass, but at the same time he doesn't have enough strength to leave her himself so he hopes that she does. Of course, too love sprung she doesn't. We also see a little empathy in Harry confirming he does have a heart and has some kind of feelings for Birdie when he says; "Because I'm here with you. And that's all that matters right now."

Next we introduce Jackson getting a feel of his character. He is a beautiful and honest man who is in love with Birdie and envious of Harry because he has her wrapped around his finger. He's been by her side since the beginning and feels as though they are the ones who belong together. Jackson wants to love Birdie but she won't let him being too hooked on Harry. We also get a little background of Birdie life when she admits "Like who my mother? She kicked me out. My dad almost raped me. My brother is a thousand miles away in the army. Who loves me?" In the next story we meet Birdie's mother figuring out why she kicked her out in the first place when she needed her most after her father tried to abuse her.

After, we see Jackson hoping to win some affection of his true love; he takes Birdie out to dinner which ends in a disaster. Jackson finally meets snobby Harold finally seeing how he treats Birdie and stands up for her trying to intimidate Harry by saying he's her boyfriend. This doesn't intimidate him but pains him and makes him more angry. Since Birdie has been ignoring him every since she found out about Nicole, he tells her to meet him at the hotel at their usual time. Of course Birdie goes, she misses him so she gives in. Harry is relived that he has her back but;  out of jealously he tells her to never see Jackson again only wanting her to himself.

Birdie doesn't listen and insists she sees Jackson, which she does. She feels as though he is the only person in her life that cares for her deeply. She tells Jackson that she wishes Harry could do the same. Jackson is fed up with the way he treats her and tells her that in a big speech, Birdie agrees and feels sorry, finally realizing the way she's been dissing Jackson all this time. He wants to get away from everything so he tells her that he's leaving soon and that he wants her to come with him not knowing if she will or not, but he is ultimately afraid of rejection and doesn't ask her knowing she'll say no because of Harry. Jackson wants to save her and treat her better but he's tired and he wants to be happy so he just tells her "he's going to be the end of you" hoping she'll get her life together after their talk.

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