Cold (Finn Wolfhard)

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A/n: Since it snowed where I am and the heating in my house decided not to work . It resulted in me coming up with this idea :)

Y/n shivered under her blankets. The heating had gone out in her house at the worst time. It had just snowed outside meaning it was 20 degrees Fahrenheit or below. She huddled under mountains of blankets but, she still shivered.

She grabbed her phone and called her boyfriend, Finn. "What's up?" She heard on him ask. "Hey, can you come over? The heating decided not to work and I need cuddles." Y/n replied into her phone as her hand began to shake from the cold.

She could hear the sound of a door closing and the rattle of keys. "Ok, I'm on my way." He said and she smiled. "Yay! I'll see you then." Y/n replied into the phone and he chuckled. She hung up and waited for Finn to get there.

She heard the sound of her front door opening and she sat up. She heard him coming up the stairs, she looked over and he came through the door. Y/n put her arms out towards him and he came over to her. She brought him into her arms and cuddled up into him. He wrapped his arms around her and started to play with her hair.

"Thanks again for doing this." Y/n said finally feeling warm. He kissed her on her forehead, "No problem." He replied and then hid his face into her neck. Y/n looked out the window as the snowflakes fell to the ground. She slowly drifted off to the sounds of Finn's breathing and the beautiful snowflakes.

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