Chapter 7

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I'm making circles around my room wondering what to do. I message Finn and tell him to call me as soon as he can. He called me about 20 minutes later which wasn't very soon for Finn. He tells me to hurry up and go to his house so I walk there to find him there he ran up to me and kissed me on my lips and said " I know this is really early but I think I.."
"Cary on"
"I love you and I want to spend my whole life with you and if you are pregnant we can be the best mother and farther any child would want to have"
He kissed me again I was shocked I couldn't believe Finn Wolfhard just told me he loves me.
"I love you too" I reply

It's been 6 months since that happened and I'm off out with him tonight for Nando's nothing exciting has happened apart from finding out we're having a baby boy 3 months.

We sit down and then Finn pulls out a ring and says the question I never though any one would say to me
"Will you marry me?"
I was amazed!
"Yes of course I will"
We both hugged each other just after he slipped the ring on. I was crying my eyes out I didn't know how anything could get any better now.

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