Chapter 6

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I'm worried, if I really am this could ruin everything, me and my friends relationship and also my family's. I was going to wait till the next day until I asked Finn if it could be true.

                              20 mins later

Me and Finn are both ready and he says he'll message me tonight and he asked if we could see each other again tomorrow. I wasn't sure if this would class as dating as we've on seen each other once in five guys but we held hands kissed and a LOT more. Me and Finn was on call for 3 hours and he was telling me about all his tours and he's going to give me a free pass to come on stage so I could see everyone in the crowd. I then called jade and told her about how I met Finn she didn't believe me but that was her opinion. It was the next day and I met Finn same place, same time we went back to his again and ordered a take away at first it smelt fine but then almost like nail polish. I HATED THAT SMELL. I was sick again about 20 minutes later. I though it was time I asked Finn. I got back and said "did u use protection the other night?"
"You don't think you preg..."
And before he could finish what he was about to interrupted and said "yes I do"
"Well no , I didn't use protection"
"what am I going to do this can ruin everything Finn"
"It's fine we'll sort things out , I promise I'm always here"

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