6- Fanfiction and the legal state of gay marriage

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Everybody knew that Mingyu and Wonwoo were best friends.
How did they become best friends, that is something that everybody is still trying to figure out. Even now.
Truth be told, not a single soul in school could understand how those two can be so close since Mingyu is such a nice and talkative person, whilst Wonwoo is shy and would rather avoid human interaction when possible.

What people don't know, is that they're both equally weird.
And that they like to do things that most people wouldn't understand, either for the sake of entertainment or in the name of conducting research for Wonwoo's stories.
The latter seemed to bring out the weirdness in them more often.

After spending almost the entire day writing and reviewing all of Wonwoo's drafts, with Mingyu occasionally hovering them to see if they're still alive, (Y/N) and Wonwoo finally decided to be done for the day

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After spending almost the entire day writing and reviewing all of Wonwoo's drafts, with Mingyu occasionally hovering them to see if they're still alive, (Y/N) and Wonwoo finally decided to be done for the day...more like Mingyu forcibly grabbed all of the writing utensils that existed in the house and hid them away in his bag, while forcing them to eat something.

Usually, after working for hours and only stopping when the sun was long gone and when their parents would worriedly call them non stop, Mingyu would walk (Y/N) to her house since they lived close to each other.
However, on that day, Mingyu declared that he was going to spend the night in Wonwoo's house, and that was also the main reason why he forced them to stop writing earlier than usual.

"Because we don't want you to walk home all by yourself while it's dark!"

"Mingyu, before I met you, I would constantly walk home alone, and as you can see, I'm still alive! No real-life dangers or Slenderman got to me so far!"

"Let's not test our luck!"

There was no way to convince Mingyu that she would be fine in his absence and at some point even Wonwoo intervened, saying that it would be better if she didn't go home while it's dark even if Slenderman or It weren't a real concern. 
 After a little bit of arguing, (Y/N) finally decided to comply with the two boys wishes, despite the fact that she didn't see much of a problem in her walking alone. Most of the neighbourhood during night time was full of old ladies feeding their cats and stuff like that. There was no real danger was out to get her.
Admittedly, the fact that Wonwoo had also argued that it was all in the name of her safety, had made her heart flutter a bit. A fact that Mingyu would later on use to tease her, but anyway.

As she left, (Y/N) couldn't help but wonder what exactly did Wonwoo and Mingyu do during their "sleepover".
When she asked, Wonwoo said that they would sometimes play video games or watch movies or shows, whilst Mingyu kept teasing her saying that they talked about girls and relationships.

The truth was very far from what she expected, however.

Technically speaking,  neither of the boys had lied, per say. 
They did watch movies or shows and talked about relationships...just not their own.

In the name of research,  Wonwoo and Mingyu would often sit down in Wonwoo's small living room and watch dramas. Whether they were Chinese, Thai, Japanese or Korean, they didn't care. They would watch everything while being surrounded by piles of food, in the hopes of inspiring Wonwoo to write more "cheesy romantic stories" as Mingyu had described them.
Or so they said.
Truth be told, the two boys enjoyed watching dramas, even if the plots were sometimes a bit too exaggerated and over the top for them. 
But if anybody asked, which never happened before, they only engage in such activities for professional purposes only!

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