5- The angel writer and the editing team's Instagram

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After meeting Jun and having to hear his rants about his roommate Minghao, (Y/N) couldn't understand why Wonwoo got so stressed about them. And his sudden mood swing also made her really confused!

And so, (Y/N) decided to ask the only person that she knew that would give her some answers.
No, not Wonwoo himself.

However, the tall boy turned out to not be as useful as she hoped.

Mingyu was also pretty clueless on this matter.
All he knows, besides the fact that Wonwoo is a perfectionist and refuses to give something less than worthy to his editors even if they were really nice and dorky people, is that it had something to do with Wonwoo's old editor.

(Y/N) decided to give up for now...

A few days later, Wonwoo and her were making their way to the boy's apartment while discussing the work of one of the writers whose stories were also being published in the same magazine as Wonwoo, Joshua Hong. 
(Y/N) had recently become a huge fan of his after reading through various issues of the magazine, although it was mostly because she wanted to check more of Wonwoo's work...but he didn't need to know that...
Joshua Hong's stories were very different from Wonwoo's and they didn't fit in any particular genre, which the girl enjoyed a lot.
In between her rants about how extraordinary Joshua's stories were, Wonwoo would sometimes interject, either agreeing with her or arguing that sometimes the plot twists were too predictable.

When they arrived at the entrance of Wonwoo's building, still talking about the plots and possible theories for his stories, a gentle voice called for them.

"Hey, Wonwoo!"

(Y/N) was starting to wonder whether everybody around Wonwoo was always good looking on purpose or if it was really just a coincidence.

This person literally transmitted an aura of gentleness and he just looked like the spitting image of an angel from Heaven. He was walking towards both of them, the smile never leaving his face.

"Hi, neighbour!"

"Hi, Jisoo." Wonwoo greeted back with his usual stoic expression.

'CAN I MOVE IN? HOW MUCH IS THE RENT OF THIS BUILDING?'  (Y/N) thought to herself as she witnessed Wonwoo's neighbour making small talk with her crush.

"Oh, hi! Are you a friend of Wonwoo's? Is rare to see him with anybody else besides Mingyu! I'm Jisoo, it's nice to meet you!" the guy said, turning his attention to her.

(Y/N) still had a very hard time meeting new people but, for some reason, Jisoo didn't seem to scare her as much as other strangers usually do. Although she was still nervous on the inside, (Y/N) managed to let out a small 'hi' and not stutter too much while introducing herself.

As Jisoo kept asking her questions and talked to her in a very friendly manner, the girl was starting to warm up to him more and more. That is until Wonwoo decided to intervene.

"Jisoo is also a writer. You would know his work, you've been ranting about it since we left school!"

And that was how (Y/N) became once again a babbling mess, all thanks to Jeon Wonwoo.

"What?! You mean...he's Joshua Hong?" the girl realised.

"Yeah! I'm originally from America, and Jisoo is my Korean name."


"But for real, you like my stories!? Really? Which one is your favourite?!" Jisoo enthusiastically inquired the shy girl, as she tried her best to answer all his questions without fangirling too much about his work.

At this point, Wonwoo realised that perhaps it wasn't a really good idea to let (Y/N) meet her favourite author.
Or let Jisoo meet his fan.
Those two kind of forgot that Wonwoo was still standing next to them...

(Y/N) wasn't completely sure how did they all end up in Jisoo's apartment

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(Y/N) wasn't completely sure how did they all end up in Jisoo's apartment. At some point, Jisoo remembered that he still had to return some stuff that he had borrowed from Wonwoo and next thing you know, they're sitting in his house drinking coffee. It was an interesting turn of events.

"Jeonghan and Chan were here a while ago! You just missed him!" 

"Who?" the girl whispered to Wonwoo, whose stress levels quickly increase just by hearing their names.

"Jeonghan was Wonwoo's previous editor before Jun and Minghao, and he's now my current editor. Chan is Jeonghan's assistant!" Jisoo explained as he, much like the girl, observed Wonwoo's expression.

"And..." (Y/N) nudged Wonwoo, trying to get a response from them.

"They're nice people, they really are, it's just-"

"They nitpick a lot! Whether it was about my handwriting or the fact that the papers had small folds, there was always a reason to send me texts messages! And some of their suggestions were just...no." Wonwoo grumbled as he thought of all the things those two had told him.

"I see..."

"They just really like to tease people. And I guess you could say that Jeonghan has a bit of a habit of doing some mischiefs and probably less than noble things...and Chan isn't very respectful of his seniors at times, but really, they're nice!" Jisoo defended, as Wonwoo continued to have war flashbacks of his time with his previous editor and assistant. "I think that the editing team even has an Instagram!"


"Yeah, look!" Jisoo sat down next to (Y/N), with his phone in between them, as he scrolled through an Instagram page.

Whatever (Y/N) was expecting, it sure wasn't what she got!

The editing team's Instagram mostly consisted of selfies and pictures of a very good looking guy, which she assumed was Jeonghan, with captions such as the description of his clothes or what he was having for lunch, and it barely seemed to show anything related to the magazine. 
There were also pictures fo other people, one of which turned to be Jun, another guy who Jisoo pointed out to be Minghao, and of course, Chan, whose pictures had captions like "Jeonghan's baby" and "Maknae on top".

"...does the magazine have something to say about this account?" (Y/N) asked nobody in particular as she continued to look through Jeonghan's many selfies and Jun's occasional ones.

"Well, since they have so many followers and they are technically publicizing the magazine, even if it's indirectly, everybody is pretty okay with it. At some point, they tried to get the writers involved too, but Wonwoo doesn't like getting his picture taken and I'm not really comfortable with it either...so they just kind of gave up. I mean, they do try to photograph Wonwoo when he isn't looking, but somehow, he always manages to catch them before they post it!"

'Perhaps it's a good thing that they can't take pictures of Wonwoo'  (Y/N) thought, 'People would go crazy about his face...'

Later on, when she told Soonyoung about this encounter, showed him the editing team Instagram and shared her thoughts about how Wonwoo's beauty would be way too much for the Internet to handle, there was only one thing Soonyoung could think about.

'She really is whipped for this guy, isn't she?'

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