4- The prince, the director, the poor member and the editors?

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It was a surprise for everybody that Mingyu and (Y/N) were hanging out. 

In the eyes of the general public, they were complete opposites.

Barely anyone knew anything about (Y/N) since she didn't tend to stand out that much and Mingyu was...Mingyu. Mostly known for flirting with everybody, literally everybody. At some point, he tried to flirt with Wonwoo too, but the older boy just gave him a glare and smacked him in the face.
But Mingyu was much more than just a pretty face, and (Y/N) was happy that he felt comfortable enough with her to drop the 'cool act'...most of the time.

Currently, the girl was being dragged through the school by Mingyu, who looked awfully excited for someone who still had so many boring classes before being able to go home

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Currently, the girl was being dragged through the school by Mingyu, who looked awfully excited for someone who still had so many boring classes before being able to go home. Or to Wonwoo's small apartment in their case.

"Mingyu, can you please just tell me where you're taking me?" (Y/N) inquired him for the fourth time, as she was starting to get really tired of Mingyu's hold on her arm.

"Fine! I'll tell you! Remember how we were discussing whether we had friends interesting enough to put on a novel? Yesterday?"


"Well, I'm going to introduce to you one of my friends! You'll be surprised to hear he's known as 'The school prince'!"

As soon as soon as she realized what Mingyu was trying to do, (Y/N) quickly broke out of his grip and made a run for it. At some point during their conversation on the previous day, the girl mentioned that she was terrified of meeting new people since she was never good at first impressions and the very idea of talking to strangers made her nervous. Plus, Mingyu probably had very cool friends and that only made her feel worse. She just didn't feel ready for it.

Mingyu was, unfortunately for her, a very fast runner and despite her considerable headstart due to his initial confusion, the distance between the two of them was rapidly decreasing and Mingyu's shouts for her to stop were starting to get close. 
Luckily, (Y/N) ended up running straight into Wonwoo's chest.
The older boy confusedly looked down and once he saw the panicked look on the girl's face, his mind went on full alert.
(Y/N) quickly hid behind the tall boy, knowing that Mingyu wouldn't try anything since he was a bit...let's say, cautious of Wonwoo.
When Mingyu finally reached them, Wonwoo glared at Mingyu as his way of asking what in the world could have he done to upset her.

"I swear, I didn't do anything! I was just trying to introduce her to one of my friends! SHE DIDN'T LET ME EXPLAIN!" the younger boy clumsily tried to explain, as Wonwoo's glare pierced through his soul. He would never admit it, but if he wasn't friends with the older boy and if he didn't know how dorky he actually was, he would be terrified of Wonwoo. 

"What's all the fuss Mingyu?" a deep voice sounded from behind the fumbling boy. 

(Y/N) observed the figure from the safety of her spot behind Wonwoo. It was a boy, not much older than them, with an attractive and yet strangely familiar face. Surely she must have seen him before...

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