Just met my brother who i didnt know i had, oh and also his 5 incredibly, gorgeous bestfriends!27

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I am so sorry guys. I really am. I know no matter what I say will make u hate me any less for not uploading but please forgive me.

I hope you enjoy this chapt.


Preston strode forward, he grabbed me arm and turned me around. He wrapped both of his enormous hands into an unbreakable hold around mine. I pulled on his iron grip and bared my teeth.

"oh no you don't" he pressed his face to my ear and hissed "make one sound and ill cut the pretty little life out of you" I heard a light flick, like the sound of a sharp blade being slid out of its handle.

He pulled me back and pushed me forward. He hands tightened when I stumbled, almost to the door. He silently opened the door and pushed me through. The cold night air sent my brain into over drive. I. am. Being. Kidnapped.

He cursed as the door creaked but otherwise kept moving. He wrapped his arm around me and opened his truck door. He violently shoved me in, and slammed the door. The trucks interior rattled as he jogged around to the side and got in. he quickly started the truck and shot out of the drive way.

Okay Jenna, calm down. I frantically thought to myself. I looked down at my hands, I tightened them into fists to stop the shaking.

"your probably wondering what's happening right?" I looked over to Preston who was smiling to himself. Looking like he just won a million dollars. A knife was in his hand, pressed to the steering wheel.

"I.....I...what is happening" I managed, fear blocking my ability to make a sentence.

"well frankly dear, your being kidnapped." he smirked and smiled wider.

"what...why...why" I swallowed the vile that crept up my throat. If you were in my position you would probably be like "please, I wouldn't be scared.'' I though if I were ever in this position I would be fearless but right now all I wanted was to curl into a ball and cry. Half my mind was in denial, he pulling a prank, hes joking ect.

"you thought you were safe. Everyone thought you were safe. Its been years, they don't care anymore. You were all so pathetic. Grudges never die."

My mind spun with each new word. Grudges? I closed my eyes as I realized he was probably mad. Crazy. Loco in the head.

"of course we never forgot about you. We never stopped watching. My brother was killed because of you!" he pointed the knife in my face. He gritted his teeth anf glared at me in hatred.

"brother?" I asked, my body heaving as I tried not to cry out.

"you weren't suppose to live, not suppose to be alive. YOU LIVED!!" he shouted at my face. His foot pushed down the gas pedal and the truck shot forward. I flinched at his words.

"what do you want from me?" I cried. I rested my head on the back of the seat and prayed.

"you still don't understand?" his face was contorted into an evil sneer. "when you were eight, you ran out into the church parking lot. Pausing to look at the blue sedan that was racing your way. And as the car hit you, and sent you flipping over the windshield. You screamed 'Daddy!' I remember the sound your body made when you hit the windshield. I remember the was you looked crumpled in the street."

I stared in horror as a slow smile crept onto his face. His eyes were glassy, lost in the memory.

"of course I was very young, I wasn't the driver. My brother was. When he got the orders to put the hit on a eight year old he didn't want the job. Said he didn't do kids, you know why Jenna? You know why he didn't want to kill a kid." he paused looking at me crookedly "cuz I was his little brother and he LOOVED me. He didn't like killing kids because it reminded him of me. But soon after he agreed to do the job, and he took me with him. It was my first tag along and I was pretty excited."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2010 ⏰

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just met my brother who i didnt know i had, oh and also his 5 incredibly, gorgeous best friends!Where stories live. Discover now