Just met my brother who i didnt know i had, oh and also his 5 incredibly, gorgeous bestfriends!7

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Oh my gosh!!!! I cant believe it!! Like a 100 votes!!

Sorry it took so long, I was convinced it would at least take a couple of days for you guys to get to 60 but I guess it didn't!!

You have no clue how happy this makes me, each of your comments make me Smile...mean or not (hopefully not)

Im going to make it long but not too long...I have a math test tomorrow and I have to study, yeah that's right SSTUDY for math!

I hate it enough the first time!

But you guys deserve it after 100 friggin votes! ~swoons~

Okay sorry ill shut up!!:D


Everything was fuzzy. I squinted my eyes, trying to clear the muck that had transformed my vision.

I looked around and saw a boy by the piano. He was smiling at me. His face was dazzling. A smile lit his face ear to ear!

"Jenna! I've missed you!" he sang.

My brain was foggy. His words struggled to process.

I looked around but all I could see is him and the piano. He lifted his arms and started to play. The melody was beautiful. I closed my eyes as it flooded my head. It sounded familiar, like I had been listening to it all my life.

The scene shifted. The boy and piano was gone. It was dark and I was in the...hall way. My mind still struggled to keep up.

I looked ahead and saw someone. The same one that had kissed me. I could see his face. It was hidden in the shadows.

I opened my mouth to ask him who he was but he grabbed my hand and pulled me close. Closer Closer, until I was smuggled in his arms. He leaned his head in slowly, I waited agonizing until our lips met.


I jostled awake!



I looked around the room, then to my bed to look for the retched thing that woke me up. A pillow lay by my side, one that wasn't mine.

I looked up to see Abby smiling at me through the door way.

"Wake up sleepy" she yelled.

Ugh she must be a morning person.

I fell back against the pillow. My head make a soft "thump" as it hit the pillow.

The lavender smell of the pillow floated in the air around me.

My thoughts still half asleep drifted back to my dreams.

I bolted upright. MY DREAM!!

Ugh vertigo! I dizzily fell back down, waiting for my head to clear.

When I was okay again, I sat up and went to get some cloths.

I needed to FIND WHO KISSED ME!!

I quickly unzipped the bag and pulled out some Hollister sweats and a matching white T-shirt.

I hastily pulled them on. After I accomplished that (nearly falling over three times) I ran to the bathroom.

I looked through the drawers and finally found what I was looking for-my Pink Brush.

I pulled it through my hair, snatching out all of the snarls that had formed while in slept.

I looked In the mirror. My eyes were unusually bright and my smile came naturally this morning.

just met my brother who i didnt know i had, oh and also his 5 incredibly, gorgeous best friends!Where stories live. Discover now