Chapter 15 ~ Is this real?

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A/N: Heyyyyy guys thank you for all of your votes and comments ! Can't actually believe people are reading this story!! Thank you!!! All characters belong to Suzanne Collins apart from Doctor Alex, Nurse Daisy, etc... and Percy belongs to Rick Riordan, Tris to Veronica Roth. Anyway thank you to everyone who has recently started following me!!!

No one is actually probably reading this😂

This chapter is dedicated to @Theahoman
This chapters shout out is @Catnip1231_PTX :)
Now on with the chapter!!! Enjoy.....

Chapter 15~ Is this real?

Katniss POV:

"Oh my god thank you so much!!!!!" I scream and run up to hug all of them. We end up on a massive pile on the floor because I knocked them all over! Nice one Katniss, not!! "Oh my gosh I am sorry!!!" I say embarrassed and I can tell that I'm blushing madly. They all laugh and Doctor Percy says laughing "It's fine Katniss! Would you like me to phone up your friends and family to tell them the news?" He asks me smiling. I get to see Peeta!!!!!! Oh my god I have missed him so much!!! "Yes please!!" I say excitedly. "Haha okay I will go and phone them now" He replies then walks out of the room. The others say goodbye then go out of my room.

I wonder how much longer I will have to stay in this hospital? Is this even real? Or am I dreaming? I can't believe this is happening!!!


Doctor Percy POV:

It makes my day to see someone as happy as Katniss, she is a wonderful girl and deserves to have a better life than this! I can see how much she tries to keep in the attacks and because she is doing that this is why she can leave earlier because she can control them! Where will all of her friends be? Probably at her house with her sister, so I will phone there and hope someone answers!

Peeta POV:

I haven't eaten hardly anything or slept at all these past 5 days they have officially been the worst 5 days I have ever lived through, I just want Katniss back and to just hold her in my arms and not have a care in the world! But unfortunately my life won't be like that! It won't ever be the same! Ever.Again. Right now I'm sitting in Katniss's living room with Primmy, Finnick, Annie, Glimmer, Marvel, Gale, Cato, Clove, Johanna, and finally Katniss's mother Amy.

Before all of this happened Amy has been a real bitch to Katniss, and not being a proper mum to Katniss. She remarried, but Plutarch (her husband) is visiting relatives, so was Amy but she came home as soon as she was told. She has been a good mum to Prim but she has never been good to Katniss I don't know why? But they have never got on. But after all of this going on she has finally realised that her daughter needs her and she needs to be a good mum! When she found out about Katniss she was devastated and cried for ages! I'm glad that she has finally realised she is doing wrong to treat Katniss like shit.


"I'll get it" I say to everyone. They all nod and mumble okay. I walk in to the kitchen and answer the phone. "Hello? Peeta Mellark speaking." I say. "Hello Mr Mellark, I am Doctor Percy, one of the doctors monitoring Katniss"

Oh no has something happened to her? I have to stay calm. "Why are you calling? is something wrong?" I say nervously. He laughs then replies "Nothing is wrong Peeta, it's the opposite actually! I have good news!" Oh my god! "What is it?" I say. "Well, recently we did a test on Miss Everdeen and we think. We have found a cure for the venom what is causing these attacks!!" I then drop the glass of water what I was just making my self. It smashes all over the floor and you can hear nothing else apart from a deadly silence. "You what?" I say quietly.

"We think we may have found a cure for this, and Katniss can go home in around 1 week if everything goes successfully" He says happily. "No way!! Are you serious?" I say shocked. "Yes I am serious, thank you for your time Mr Mellark I better be going!" He says. "No, Wait!!" I say quickly. "Yes?" He replies. "Just tell Katniss that I miss her okay?" I say quietly. "Of course Mr Mellark." He says "Goodbye" He says to me. "Bye" I say back then I hang up. "Oh my god" I say. "Peeta!?!" Finnick says worriedly. "What's wrong?! Is she okay?!" Amy says worriedly. I nod then say "They think they have found a cure for the venom what is causing Kat's attacks, and that she can come home earlier!!" They all scream at the same time. "OH GOD REALLY?" "Yeah" I say back happily. Only about 1 week until I get Katniss back! Then there was a knock on the door. Strange it's 8 in the morning, no one comes at that time, only the post but that's already been. "I'll get it" Says Finnick.

Finnick POV:

I walk up to the door wondering who is there at this time in the morning. I open the door and who is standing there? The one and only Delly Cartwright.


Sooo how did you think this chapter went???? sorry for the shortish chapter!! Will update when I can!!!:)

If I were to make a new book, what would you like it to be about? Like after mocking jay? A Harry potter book? Percy Jackson? Modern? Old? horror? comedy? romance? anything??? and if I did make a new book who would read it??

Characters belong to Suzanne Collins

Byeeeeeeeee guys!!!!!;D xoxoxoxoxoxox

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Panem High a Hunger game fanficOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora