Chapter 11~ Katniss?

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Chapter 11~ Katniss?

Katniss POV:

"Go Finnick, go before I hurt you"

Was the last thing I remember myself saying before I feel my self being trapped in my own brain again for the second time today!

Finnick runs out of the room and I swear I saw some tears come out of his eyes!

I start to repeat the information about myself - the doctor said that it would help me remember more but anyways here we go!

My name is Katniss Everdeen, I am 16 years old, My father is dead, My mom doesn't care for me she remarried another guy, Primrose is the only real family I have left, Peeta Mellark is my boyfriend NOT my enemy, Delly Cartwright caused all of this! She must die... my friends are afraid of me and most likely hate me ...... It would probably be best if they hated me...
I am a monster!

Doctor Beetee POV:

Delly Cartwright.... Delly Cartwright..... DELLY CARTWRIGHT!!!!

I have finally got it!! I remember know this case happened a few years back where Cornelius Snow did this to a person. I remember him telling me before he got arrested that "You might stop me but Delly will get you! So you better watch OUT!" Delly and Snow! Delly and snow! They must be working together!

Katniss POV:

I am back to myself now I am normal ..... for now anyway..

Doctor Beetee comes in looking worried. "Katniss, Delly Cartwright is working with Coniloius Snow! This case has happened a few times now I am also afraid to say that there is no current cure for your situation, the situation you are in is very different to other times it seems that Miss Cartwright and Snow made a very strong venom and the only choice is to ..... go to the Capitol hospital and stay there for 2 months to record your actions. I am so sorry but we leave in half an hour, I suggest that you say good bye but you need to have doctors with you at all times do you understand?" he says seriosuly. I get tears in my eyes but nod, the doctors and some guards come and get me and together we make our way to the waiting room.

Two in front of me two behind and one on each side of me. Once we get there they don't notice me to start with "Um hey guys..." I say clearing my throat to get there attention they jump up straight away and Glim says "Katniss? Are you alright!? What's going on?" (A/N: incase u guys were wondering Glimmer got let out of her room half a hour ago she's fine now she just got a headache.)

I get tears in my eyes and say quickly "GlimmerIamsososososorryifeelterribbleyoumusthatemerightnowforwhatididtoyou!!!" (A/N: for those who can't read it, it says: Glimmer I am so so so so sorry I feel terrible you must hate me right now for what I did to you) Glim shakes her head and says "No Kat it wasn't you I'm fine ok?!" I just nod then start to explain to the group "Ok, so guys basically my Doctor said that you know who works for Corniloues Snow and that him and Delly have done this a couple of times now and they have made a very strong venom and there is no ... cure at the moment for it also I have to go to the Capitol hospital for ...... um... uh 2 months and I leave in around....?" I look at the doctors and they mouth "5 minutes we're sorry." I gasp and continue "5 minutes!" they all go pale then all come up to hug me one at a time first Marvel "Good luck Kat!" he whispers in my ear. Then Glimmer "I am so sorry I will miss you see you soon ok?" After Glimmer it is Clove " Katniss.... stay strong ok?". Cato "Keep fighting it, girl on fire!" I shudder at that and feel a attack coming! Stay calm Katniss just keep it in till they are done you can do it!! I think...

Peeta "I love you Katniss don't forget that" and he gives me a kiss. I break away quickly biting my lip. He tired to hide the hurt look on his face. Annie hugs me and goes to say something but I shake my head and push her away she looks hurt. But I can't help it. Finnick does the same and has the same reaction when I push him away. Gale dosent try to say anything, just hugs me. Then comes Johanna "Katniss just remember who the real enemy is!" she whispers and makes sure no one hears apart from me. That's when I lose it and fall to the ground shaking. All of my friends look horrified and loose all the colour in their faces at the sight of me. But Johanna dosent go pale she just stares at me and mouths to me again "Remember who the real enemy is!" those words keep ringing through my mind. Then the other me has a inner battle with my self! "Kill them all, they must die!!" the voice shouts in my head. "No there my friends! don't kill them please!" I plead back. "They will all die a painful death!" "NO! Please no no!" "Will you just be quiet and let me finish the job?" it commands. "I will not!" I scream back at it. "SHUT IT!" the voice roars. "NEVER!" I roar back. I scream aloud "Get out of my head!!" The doctors scramble to me and pull me away from my shocked friends and I then scream again "PLEASE STOP GET OUT OF MY HEAD! YOUR DRIVING ME INSANE!!!!" they all heard that and start to cry.

The doctors then give me sympathetic looks and before I know it I am being shoved on a train and then the hospital is gone... simple as that. I finally calm down and go to bed. That night I end up crying myself to sleep but those six words keep on going round my head remember who the real enemy is! remember who the real enemy is! remember who the real enemy is! REMEMBER WHO THE REAl ENEMY IS!!!!!



Yayy! I finally updated!

So tell me what ya think of this chapter!! Will be able to update Wednesday if your lucky but that Depends on how many votes I get doesn't it!;)

All characters belong to Suzanne Collins!! Not me!!! Not yet anyway!(; haha

Vote comment share and follow please!!:D

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