Chapter 10~The black eyes and testing

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Chapter 10~The black eyes and testing!❤️

Katniss POV:(Normal)

I finally manage to open my eyes but when I open them it's not me it's like someone else is taking over my body! I am trapped in my brain, oh no what if I hurt someone! The person who is me but is not me grabs the knife off Prim, gets another knife and starts a rant about how they tried to kill me and Prim! No that was Delly not them ahh what is happening to me?! She (well I) throws the knife at Glimmer and it pins her up against the wall by her top. I start to scream in my cell in my mind and start to cry. The others come in then Johanna gets the knife and turns to me I push past her and go up to glimmer who is crying and screaming and grab her throat and put the knife to her neck. She falls unconscious and the doctors come in and knock me out and seal me back in my brain trapped...

Annie POV:
"1 down 8 to go!" I hear her whisper, before she loses consciousness and lands on the cold hard ground with a evil smile on her rosy red lips.


"Glimmer!!" I scream and run to her. "Is she okay!?" I shout at the doctor. "It's fine she just lost conscious because of shock/fear and she couldn't breathe but she's breathing now she will be alright but Katniss on the other hand has to be taken into the Capitol hospital I'm sorry but you will not see her for 2 months if your that lucky, but there is 50% chance that you will never see her again because it is way too dangourous! Also Prim I need you to come with me immediately we need to do some testing. If you will follow me please Miss Everdeen!" He replies sadly. Two of the four doctors pick Glimmer up and put her on the bed and hook her up to a breathing tank and heart monitor and the rest of that stuff what you use. Then the other two doctors pick up Katniss and go out of the room with her still holding the knife but I swear before they left the room I saw Kat open her now black eyes and stare at me and whisper "Your next!" But no one else heard her I could have imagined it but I swear I didnt! I then start breathing heavily and fall to the ground shaking. Finnick runs to me and whispers "Annie what's wrong can you hear me?! Annie!" I nod answering his question, still shaking. I look at him with tears in my eyes and say into his ear "You may not believe me but I swear As Katniss was leaving the room I saw her open her eyes and whisper to me that I was next!!! I'm scared Finnick! She is going to kill us all I know it!" he looks at me and says "I'm sure she didn't annie! Your just a bit paranoid that's all!" but his eyes tell me different!

Prim POV:

"Miss Everdeen I am sorry but we need to do some tests on you and your sister. To see why she only remembers you." Doc Beetee says to me. I don't say anything just nod. He takes me into a testing room, and goes out of the room. Then he brings in a now awake Katniss, still with black eyes. "Now Katniss I just need you to answer a few questions about Prim and yourself ok?" Doctor Beetee tells my sister. "Now first question!What is your younger sister called?" He asks. "Primrose Everdeen." Katniss answers with confidence. "Correct! How old is Primrose?" "14 years old, two years younger than me." "That's right! When is her birthday?" She thinks for a second then replies with "Prims birthday is on the 15th May!" he looks at me for confirmation then I nod to say that she's right. "That is also right now I am just going to ask you some other questions about your.. friends.. Okay??" "Okay" She replies.

"Well..." Beetee starts. "Who is Glimmer Shields?" (A/N: Some of the last name are made up!)

I look at Katniss curiously her eyes start to get even blacker if that was possible. Katniss shouts "I don't know anything about her apart from that she tried to KILL ME and is going to KILL PRIM ASWELL!!! Don't you DARE mention her again!" I move away from her in fear and tears form in my eyes what has my sister become, I think to myself. She has the same reaction to everyone of their names apart from one. "Okay Miss Everdeen who is Delly Cartwright?!" Doctor Beetee asks curiously. Katniss smiles at this she actually SMILES! She replies happily "Delly Cartwright is the person who brought me hear when the others shot me! I owe my life to her!" I gasp she actually likes Delly Cartwright better than the others! What has Delly done to her!!! Doctor Beetee says "Thank you Miss Everdeen you are done testing for now please take a seat over there!" he points to the chair next to me then continues "Primrose I would like to ask you a few questions now aswell please if that is alright with you of course!" I nod my head. I go over to him and sit down on the chair. "So first question..." He begins. "How old are you?" "14" I say. "Ok that's good is your birthday on May 15th?" I nod "Good, who is Peeta Mellark to Katniss?" "Well he has been her friend since she was 7, also her and him have recently got together earlier on today actually,so he is her boyfriend." I say sadly, they've only been going out for a few hours and now this has happened. "Okay Finnick Odair?" "Fin has been her friend since kindergarden and is Katniss best guy friend at the moment!" "Johanna Mason?" "One of Katniss best friends!" "Annie Cresta?" "Bestfriend since Kindergarden" "Marvel Shields??" (A/N: He's Glimmer's sister.)

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