Chapter 1

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BEEP, BEEP, BEEP, my alarm went off at exactly 6:30am. I yawned and slowly started to make and effort getting up for the day. About 20 minutes later I had a call from jade. She says "Finn wolf hards in town!" It took a moment for me to realise what she said as she was muttering her words in excitement. Then I realised what she said. I got really because I though I would bump into Finn, but knowing me I have no luck in seeing him and even if I did he wouldn't have a lot to look at, we started making a new conversation. I then told jade I would see her at school , BEEP , then call ends . I pack my bags ready to start another shit day at school. I do like school but it's just full of people I hate and I can't deal with the stress sometimes. At about 7:50 I set off to get the 8:00 bus I start thinking about Finn slowly kissing my cheek and whispering "I love you" I do enjoy that fault but then someone says "hello" impatiently in my ear,I jump ever so slightly, he looks at me and tells me to "make a move on" the bus driver looks at me funny and tells me to sit down. I go up into the middle ,as I normally do , I start thinking about Finn again , I don't know what it is but I think I love him...

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