Darling Daughter

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Chava's POV:

Seeing my Daughter Rinako always gives me joy, I wish I could still walk the Earthly Plane but after giving birth to her I became too weak and could not keep hold of my Human vessel but I do not regret my decision to fall in love and to give birth to Rinako. My only regret is that Jeong Jeong could not raise our daughter thanks to that horrible nurse, it would have been a sight and he would love her I know it. I've watched over Rinako her whole life, she has been amazing, learning things at a fast pace, she could walk before her first birthday and became a Firebending prodigy which I know her Father would be proud of. I do like the couple that horrible nurse gave her to but she should have been given to her real Father, he unlike me missed out on her life and she still doesn't know who her Father is even though I gave her images of him, she seems unaware of who he is. I remember her first birthday, Jeong Jeong would have loved to be there but he was already gone and I could not do anything to stop him as a spirit of Life I have to look after my Spirit family in the Spirit Realm but seeing my Daughter's first birthday nothing would stop me.

It has been a year today since I gave birth to my Darling Daughter Rinako now named Rin by the Yuu's Jou and Sai, but they did not know when she was really born so the day they found her on their front step they call her birthday which is tomorrow.

Rin is a small baby with little blond hair, which makes her stand out like I did when I had my human form, but she has her Father's eyes, beautiful golden hue. I can feel such energy from her, she will one day make an amazing Spirit of Death. I wish I could hold Rin like times when like now, she has fallen over in front of me, but out of instincts I kneel down trying to pick her up to stop her from crying but my hands just go through, but I still watch over her, it still hasn't stopped me from watching her and protecting her in my own way. Sometimes I think she can see me like now she looks up at my face smiling as she gets herself up and continues to run around the home making sure not to bump into me even though I am not really here. This is both torture and wonderful as I can see my Darling Daughter but I can not hold her or raise her like I had wished for both me and Jeong Jeong.

They finally celebrate Rinako's birthday, the day after she was actually born, she was one yesterday but still, they have a small celebration as she hasn't got any friends yet, she blows out her candles on her birthday, making a wish, I hear something. "I call to the Spirit of Life, Chave, hear my prays, save my daughter!" A man's voice can be heard on the wind, I ignore it I want to spend as much time as I can with Rinako but I know I must save this life, as all life is special but I can't bring myself to move away watching Rinako gleam with happiness with her adopted parents and still I wish I could hold her and be the one celebrating this day or yesterday with Jeong Jeong.

I get pulled out of my thoughts on Rinako's first birthday as I get that feeling of being pulled like I always do when someone calls for my help, it feels different almost familiar. "I call to you Spirit of Life, Chava to hear my call, please grace me with your presence." It was Jeong Jeong, he was calling me finally, he never called for me, when I told him I was actually the Spirit of Life, he just laughed thinking I was joking, I knew at the time he would one day call upon me if I had to return to the Spirit Realm, just didn't think it would take SEVENTEEN YEARS!.

I rush to his side, he still calls out to me and I bring his Spirit into my Realm so he can see me like what Roku had done. "Hello my love," I greet him, he snaps his eyes open to see me standing before him, he jumps to his feet bracing me into a hug, squeezing the almost life out of me. I return the embrace, happy to be in his arms again.

Hi there it's DeadGirlEternal here, please review, favourite, follow, thanks one more chapter coming soon, maybe short like this!

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